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"What is wrong with you Rosie?!!!"

Looking out the window downtown New York combustion and its daily traffic, it feels good to be back in a city that never sleeps after such a long time. But slowly I regret coming back because my roommate from college won't let a sister have her peace. Like is that too much to ask?

"I just felt I should be nice, what did I do?" Walking away from the window to my desk switching on my apple desktop looking through my schedule.

"Oh Rosie, Rosie, Rosie." She groans clearly trying to calm herself down from strangling me through the phone. I bet she has her head low tapping her palm to it as she shakes her head in worry. "When will you ever learn? That man fucking left you for that brazilian booty call." Cringing at the remark leaving a foul thought in my head.

"No one calls it booty call again."

"Don't you dare change the topic." I chuckle rolling my eyes mouthing after her in mock silence while mimicking her gestures. "Look, you need to move on, its been fucking five years. Don't tell me you're not over him yet after leaving you high and dry?" It was fun while it lasted until she throws the bomb at me. "I bet he never made you cum," she really got me there rendering me speechless as my mouth gape open like a fish out of water. "oh my God, I'm gonna kill that fucker. I going to squish his balls so hard he will never know the meaning of fertility again, I will..."

"Okay bye now." Hanging the call on her but come to think of it, Bryan never gave me an orgasm not that I cared though. He was sweet, caring, attentive, handsome and all the girls back then wanted him but he came to me or that is what I thought until I caught him balls deep in our home fucking that brazilian skunk only to tell me it wasn't working anymore and he wishes me well.

What will you have me do? No, tell me?

So I carried my broken heart and mended it, even when I missed him I held myself back, when I saw him in campus, I smile like he never broke my heart with his words; I wished him well and hope I forgot about him. Guess what, I didn't which was why I left in the first place.

The very morning I came back to New York, I received an anonymous caller and guess who it was, Bryan fucking Thompson. My highschool sweetheart and famous heartbreaker. I thought we could be live the American dream, be the American couple, have kids and grow old watching them fall in love. It all came crashing down that day in our home. Maybe he's right, I wasn't good enough which prompted him to cheat on me in our home, on our bed!!! Calm down Rosie, taking deep breaths and expelling out deeply I move about my office admiring every decor of my favorite color playing so well in the room. Burgundy against the white walls. Gina is right, I need to drop him like a bag of sack potatoes or maybe she could just be wrong. If I had fought for him, begged him to stay or even apologise maybe my american dream would have become such a reality but no; I accepted defeated and watched from afar the man I did love waltz out of my life and worst part; I was fucking friendzoned. I couldn't be anymore pathetic.

But that old me is gone now, I made a pact while on air to New York that whatever I want I must have it. By hook or by crook. No man will play with my heart anymore; once bitten, twice shy. This is the new Rosie.

My phone goes off, groaning I answer the call without looking at the id. "Come on now, give me a break will you?" Saying exasperatedly.

"Rosie." The deep voice chuckles clearly amused causing my head to snap to my phone seeing the caller upon realizing.

"Oh, shit, hi Bryan."

"Hi Rosie, heard you back in New York." He laughs. Distant voices are heard in the background.

"Yeah, I kinda missed home besides work couldn't be anymore tempting."

"So I heard, major league clients knocking on your doors. I'm jealous you know. I'm quite sure they will be all over you now." If I didn't know better, I would have concluded he is a tad bit jealous or maybe it's my irrational mind playing trick on me. Playing it cool laughing off strutting to the coffee machine making myself a cup.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now