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Are we exclusive now?

Or not?

Who won the cat and mouse game?

Alexei or myself?

Or is it over?

I think we lost in both ways; I made my psycho client fall for me just as I wanted it to be and I will forever live with the regret leaving him forcing my heart to think what happened between us meant nothing to me. So yes, we both lost each other and I pray he forgives me for running with his child. More so, I hope never to see him again because I can’t vouch for my feelings when that time comes. I never should have played this game in the first place.

The drive in the limo with my parents was eerily silent on my part, I made little to no sound wallowing deep in my heart brokenness; holding on to my memories with the Russian for the few moments I can before willing myself to forget it all like it never happened. Sighing, I look at my parent converse in hush whispers taking me back to my reality of being the grand child to the Irish mafia king. I wonder what he’ll say if he finds out what I did or who I’m carrying inside of me. Truthfully, I don’t want to see the disappointment in his face when he finds out.

Growing up in the O’Connor fortress with him by my side when mum and dad were always away for business meetings. If only I knew it was a faux to protect me from knowing more than I should. He was everything my little self could ask for; a friend, playmate, a companion, you name it. My grandfather was always there to fill the space my parents left void thereby making it more choking as we passed through the familiar streets leading to the mansion.

“Honey, are you okay?” Mum always speaks Irish whenever she feels I’m not myself and right now I’m really not myself. I want to open the window and scream my heart out; then again this is my fate which I must accept. Looking at them, I see pity as they both look at me wearily. Guess my expression says it all. One thing caught my attention, the way my father holds my mother to himself scared to let her go or just wanting to breathe in her embrace. Mum on her part leaned into him like her protector. Now I get.

As the latest secret unfolds so as the truth of their relationship. Dad was an orphan grandfather brought out of the streets when he tried to pick his pocket; if he only he knew who he was then I guess he wouldn’t have attempted to do such. Shea O’Connor, my grandfather tortured the poor kid in his dungeon for weeks till my dad passed out, giving him little to no food and water as his punishment from trying to rob him in the public. After that, Shea O’Connor set the little curled brown skin free but the boy refused and wanted to be like the old man which surprised my grandfather. And that’s how my father spent his early teens into his adult as my grandfather’s personal bodyguard doing his dirty works for the Irish mafia and making a name for himself in the streets.

Little did he know my mother was harbouring deep feelings for her father’s bodyguard, then one day she summoned up courage to go to his chambers and seduced my father who fell for the red hair Princess. In fear, the both kept it a secret from my grandfather because mother was betrothed to the son of the next Irish clan and falling plus fucking her father’s bodyguard will have my father’s head on a stake. So they went on with rendezvous meeting and continued sex when no one saw or was available falling deeper for each other. Why do I suddenly feel this is what happened between Alexei and myself? I played him to my will till he came knocking on my door with no hassle.

Grandfather later found out when mum got pregnant with me, obviously. All fire and brimstone came down, my father broke the rule not to mess with the princess, and he did, many times, different position. The shame it will bring to him was much to stay hidden resulting to execute my father as his punishment or ban him from the Irish mafia; my father knew crossing his mentor and the man he saw as a father meant death which he accepted his fate if his child, me, was birthed. Long story short, my grandfather couldn’t bear to see his only child suffer from depression and his adopted son die by his hands or the other clan demanding for his head if he is banned. That is how I was kept a secret all those years till the enemy sniff a foul play when my grandfather broke the oath and said his daughter will not my their son. I was thirteen or so; with his affluence, mum and dad got citizenship to America for my safety. They ran away to protect me.
Just like I’m running to protect my unborn child.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now