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A glass of water in my hand, the other free hand deep inside my pant pocket tapping my foot on the concrete hearing the loud noise from the truck as it disturbs the night pulling into one of the hidden russian mafia warehouses. The horn keeps blaring till the truck containing my goods got into the warehouse coming to a halt, glancing by the side watching my men fall in line pulling the back door open confirming the product. Cutting a block open with his pen knife, he sniffs giving me a thumbs up causing my lips to twitch upwards in a crooked smile.

Like robots they began off loading the stuffed dolls filled with coke, some had serious gloom looks while others had excited grins plastrered on their faces because that truck screams hundreds of millions and hundreds of millions interprets them spending more on their rendezvous. The Russian mafia got billions richer under my brother's reign, we have casinos in the largest cities of the world, built skyscraper hotels, luxurious apartment, restaurants, you name it. We flourish from our underground business. Let's just say business is always good with the Mexicans and they never fail to deliver. Vladimir inherited my fathers gracious  field in the hidden parts of mexico off an old aircraft space, there we made a deal with locals; they grow the plant, process the coke and we provide them adequate security. They local farmers were all happy money once again came into their abandoned community their government neglected for years. So to keep it hidden for security purposes, I created something sort of a bug into their system and that of international laws to see it as vacant and deserted that way we can do our business with no interference.

"Boss. Here it is." Acknowledging with a nod he pours the clear powder into the cup waiting as I inspect it. Soon the glass cup became crystal as it was, Quirking a brow still watching the glass.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"By the entrance."

Humming lowly. "Bring him to me." He nods joining the others disappearing by the corner creating a jumpy feeling in my spine. That feeling escalated more seeing him walk towards me all innocently but we know the snakes even in their fake skin.

"Alexei. My brother." He exclaims extending his hand towards me for a shake.

Titling my head to the side as two of my men came out of the warehouse standing behind me for further instructions. "Petrov. Good to see you." Nervously he withdraw his hand covering it with a fake laughter tucking them in his pocket then looking back at the warehouse.

"Business seems to be going well."

"All in a days work. We had the feds sniffing in one of the clubs. Yours in particular."  Petrov is one of the clubs manager working under the Russian mafia who went behind our back to rat us to the feds. Two timing son of a bitch. The bastard even had to play an oscar award winning act by acting perplexed creating a more sinister grin on my lips.

"Oh yeah. Right." Scratching his brows looking queasy.

"You forgot to let me know."

Coughing suddenly. "No. Uhh, Alexei it was nothing I couldn’t handle and I didn’t want you or the other boss to get worked about it. Trust me. I handled it." He chuckles after smiling to my face.

Smiling in return. "Oh I do. Here you look like you lost a shade or two. Maybe it's the weather. Here, drink up." Greedily snatching the glass out of my hand, he replies.

"Yes, yes. The weather has just been unfavourable. Thanks." I watch him drink up, gulping the content down his drain till the glass got empty.

"You know what I hate most petrov." Take three steps forward look into nothing, just breathing the air and waiting for the content to settle and take effect in his system.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now