47. Lost Morals

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I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. Chase... My Chase...

After my anger was gone, disbelief and confusion took its place. And not only those two. Suddenly, I had to get out of the house. I needed fresh air and to be left alone. And I especially needed distance to Chase.

I barely saw where I was going as I hurried out the door, through the old wine cellar and up the old stairs. A few steps later I stood outside, but didn't stay there. I started walking down the road, still unable to really understand...

Chase had killed people. He had murdered Lena and had been planning on not telling me about any of it. The image I had of him was now shattered. How was I able to trust him? He had been lying to me this entire time, keeping such dark secrets from me that I couldn't see how I was able to even look at him anymore.

I kept walking, even though my body was begging me to rest. My mind could not rest, so I kept going.

How could he be so indifferent about it? He'd killed people and acted like it was completely normal. Natural. But it was natural for someone like him, wasn't it? Warlocks had to kill thirteen people in order to become like their masters. He said that him being a warlock had nothing to do with their deaths, but how could I trust his word? Three people were dead because of him, and it surely didn't look like it bothered him. How easily he could kill ten more if the first three didn't seem like such a big deal to him?

Had I been blind this entire time? Was my boyfriend, the only one I wanted to share my life with, evil?

"Aren't we being dramatic today..."

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Roe's voice behind me. I spun around, but couldn't see him anywhere.

"Yes, he killed a few, but that doesn't make him evil."

I sprung around again, but Roe was still not showing himself.

"Three is a slippery slope to thirteen," I barked at him.

"Hmmh..." he uttered, and when I turned around again, he finally emerged in front of me. "You are dating a warlock. You have seen the chaos in him. So, why are you so upset?"

"What I've seen is an innocent man who would never speak so lightly of murdering people," I told him angrily, and continued walking. "That was a big, fat lie."

I could almost hear him rolling his eyes. "You humans..." he sighed, following me. "Three, thirteen, three hundred... It doesn't change who he is. You already know what kind of person he is."

"Yeah, a murderer," I said, and was suddenly stopped by Roe.

"You act like the world around us is black and white, but you, of all people, should already know it's all gray," he said, sounding agitated.

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