19. Taking Chances

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I shouldn't have kissed Chase. That was so shitty of me... Had I not caused enough damage already? We had just found out I was going to die, and I kissed him. What kind of a scumbag does that to another person? And the worst part was that I liked it... His soft lips... But I did it for the wrong reasons. Selfish reasons. I didn't even stop to think what it would do to him. All I could think of was me and my need for comfort, and he was there, showing me kindness I didn't even deserve.

My guilt grew worse when he kissed me back, but at the same time... I was happy. I was incredibly happy. It wasn't an ordinary kiss, not even close. There really was something going on between us. The signs he had given me hadn't been just my imagination. I could almost feel how much he'd been hiding from me, and how much he wanted from me, but the guilt was casting dark shadows on that moment. I was a dead man. I had nothing left to give.

But he knew that. He must've known that when he kissed me back, and the fact that he didn't seem to regret anything gave me hope. He was willing to take that chance with me, so the least I could do was to not give up on him, just like he asked.

I didn't share his confidence about finding the cure, and I still wanted to go find Lena and Killian and do what I could to stop them with the little time I had left, but after kissing him, even allowing it to happen again, I had to do my best to stay alive.

Besides, I really didn't want to die, and the way he kept touching me whenever I was within his reach painted me a picture of a better future – the kind of future I'd be a fool to miss out on.

As my final attempt to change Chase's mind, I asked him if Mr. Heist could tell us everything he remembered about his research so we didn't have to go to the lab, but he shook his head.

"I need to know everything. Every single detail. He can't possibly remember it all after spending decades studying the disease."

"But what if the trolls have destroyed everything?"

He didn't reply to me. He clearly refused to think about that possibility.

So, when the morning arrived, we ate a hasty breakfast and left the small hotel room, Eru growling at me whenever I got too close to her carrier. As we walked through the busy reception and my breathing grew shorter by having so many people close to me, I felt Chase's calming touch on my back. I focused only on him until we reached his car, but it wasn't until I got in and closed the door that the nauseousness started to fade.

"You are getting anxious already," Chase muttered, giving me a worried look.

"I'll be fine," I replied shortly.

"Are you sure you don't want to go home? My friends and I can handle this," he said – for the hundredth time.

"I'm not Princess Snowflake," I told him. "I'm a werewolf."

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