16. Road Trip

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It was hard for me to get excited about this new lead. I just... I didn't deserve anything from Chase anymore, and now he was willing to drive me all the way to meet this old man. Hell, he was even going to book us a hotel because the drive was so long, and I had no way of repaying him.

I couldn't stop thinking about what I did to him. His wounds were healing, but the guilt was eating me up. He nearly died. He was bleeding to death, and the only reason he was still alive was the lucky fact that he had happened to make some extra potions for me. I couldn't shake the horrible feeling that we wouldn't be so lucky next time, and I would finally end up killing him.

And he acted like it wasn't a big deal... He was way too kind to me, and I found it difficult to accept his help, even if there might be a chance that I'd be cured. I didn't deserve it.

He wouldn't listen when I tried to explain it to him. He just threatened to drug me and drag me to the old man and ignored my attempts to object. What could I do? Nothing. I gave up trying, and the guilt in me only grew worse since I couldn't help but feel happy that he still insisted on helping me. I was happy that he didn't throw me out. I hated myself for giving up. I hated myself for not walking out the door and vanishing from his life.

After the phone call with Aaliyah, Chase asked me to go to the shop and put up a sign that said they wouldn't be open for a few days due to short staff, and to see if Eru wanted to come back home. The cat had followed me, but as soon as she realized her now-sleeping human was injured, she threw a massive fit, chasing me out of the living room in her rage. I had never seen a cat so angry and I was grateful that she didn't transform into her true form.

Since she didn't allow me to step a foot in the room, I retreated into the kitchen and started cleaning the bloody mess as quietly as I could. It wasn't easy to clean it up. His carpet and one of the cushioned chairs were ruined forever, no matter how hard I tried to scrub them clean.

Once there wasn't anything else I could do about the kitchen, I sat down to wait for Chase to wake up. I was tired, my injured arm was aching even though the wound was healing pretty well and I had a massive headache. I couldn't even think about sleeping.

I still heard Killian's laugh in my head. I hated that man so much... I hated Lena and every single one of those who had anything to do with that sick place. I hated them for what they did to me, for what they had turned me into. And I hated the person I once was. I hated the man who married the pretty girl, thinking he was in love with her. Was I ever in love with her? Or was I in love with the idea of her?

I turned to look towards the living room. What if I had never run away from Chase...? How much different would my life be now? Shaking my head, I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. Nothing good came out of it. Now all I had left was that tiny hope that I'd be cured.

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