14. Rage

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The new potion was working wonders. I felt better, stronger, and more energetic, but most importantly, my wounds were finally healing. I even started feeling optimistic. I knew it was all fake, simple happy side effects of the herbs, but I was tired of feeling scared and defeated, so even this medically induced positivity was more than welcomed.

But then the nightmares came.

I slept restlessly through the first night after Chase changed my potion, but I thought nothing of it. I hadn't had any nightmares after escaping the lab, so I wasn't prepared for it. The second night was far worse, and I had a dream about being locked in that place again. Dreams, memories... they were all the same.

Killian was there. He towered above me like a skyscraper, holding my chains in his hand.

"Get up."

I couldn't. I had no strength left. The fear was suffocating me. I had never been as scared as I was at that moment, not even when I was actually there. I was already free, why was I back in that place? I was delirious, not understanding it was just a nightmare...

"Get up!"

The pain that the first hit of the heavy chain left behind was almost surreal. It hurt so bad I couldn't stop myself from screaming. The second time he hit me was even worse. So was the third.

"Get up! Get up! GET!! UP!!"


I could feel someone touching me. Someone... good. I looked away from Kilian's rage-filled face as he prepared to hit me for the fourth time. There was nothing but darkness around me, but I could feel a safe place somewhere. Somewhere... I searched for it, trying to get away from Killian, but I could already hear the whistle of the chains moving fast through the air.

But the chains didn't hit me. Everything else except for the darkness vanished and silence fell upon me. It was there! I found it! Safe place...


I gasped loudly when I woke up, sitting up so fast I got dizzy. I was almost too scared to believe my senses, the familiar scents, the warm dusty air, the soft bed under me... Chase sitting right in front of me...

"Are you all right?" he asked quietly, touching my sweaty cheek lightly. The only light in the room came from the small lamp on top of the nightstand, illuminating his kind eyes with warm hue.

"I..." I muttered, looking around the room to see if Killian was there, but when it finally dawned on me that what I saw was just a nightmare, I relaxed a bit. "I think I had a nightmare... But it felt so real... I could feel pain. Horrible pain..."

"That's terrible," he said quietly. "I'll make sure the next potion makes you sleep better."

I nodded, feeling grateful. "I'm sorry I woke you up," I muttered.

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