12. Friday Night Party

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I hated it when Aaliyah hypnotized Dante. I knew it was for the best, but the guy had been through so much already! Dante himself didn't seem to mind, but for me, hypnosis was damn near disgusting. I hated the idea of losing my free will. I trusted Aaliyah, of course, but seeing Dante, sitting on the couch without the tiniest spark of intelligence in his eyes almost made me angry.

"He's ready," Aaliyah spoke, looking away from him. "He won't notice a thing."

"Hmmh..." I breathed out, grabbing the bag she gave me.

"Did you know about that place?" she asked.

"He didn't tell me much, but yeah, I knew about it," I told her, starting to clean Dante's skin carefully.

"We need to do something," she said angrily. "What they are doing to our kind is pure torture! Did you know they cut off his arm to test his healing abilities?"

"What?" I turned to stare at her.

"They did so much worse than that – I couldn't even watch half of it!"

I took a deep breath so my own anger wouldn't leak over. "I already killed that woman – Dante's ex," I said quietly, peering at Dante who wasn't even blinking. The dull expression on his face hurt my soul.

"Good, but that's not enough," Aaliyah spoke.

"I didn't go there to kill her," I admitted, focusing on Dante's arm. "I was going to just find whatever I could about that place, but she was clever enough to not have any evidence in her home... But what I did find..."

I had to take a few more deep breaths, to soothe my soul before I could continue. "She had a study room, where she had plastered the walls with news clips and reports about Dante's disappearance. It looked so real... A grieving wife who was desperate to find her husband, but it was all lies, and I got so mad... How dare she act like she cared while she was the one torturing him all that time?"

I turned to look at Dante again and pushed back a tiny lock that had escaped his ponytail. "She had their wedding picture in the living room. Dante looked so handsome in it. So happy... I just snapped. I was so fucking mad at her."

Aaliyah didn't say a word, but she gave me a sympathetic look when I finally turned to face away from Dante.

"I got a new soul in case I decide to become a mridira after all," I added, reliving the moment when that bitch drew her last breath – it made me feel better again.

"You and I will go visit that place," Aaliyah said, leaning closer to me. "And you'll have plenty of souls for the rebirth."

"I have no idea how to get there," I sighed.

"I do."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Really?"

"I saw him escape that place – I saw street signs and other landmarks, so it'll be easy for me to find the way there," she said confidently. "Are you in?"

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