42. Symbol

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Since infiltrating Humble's Ravine in the middle of the night was pretty much a suicide, and we all were tired and grumpy as it was, we decided to wait until the morning. Ogres usually slept through the afternoon anyway, so it was best for us to leave early in the morning.

Besides, the rock could wait. I could not.

"So. Rassawolves." I crossed my arms as I stopped right in front of Gus in Ben's living room.

Frank's old drinking buddy peered up at me, then carefully at Dante. "That's a name you don't hear too often," he said.

"Tell us everything you know about them," I ordered, and he looked back at me, taking a more comfortable position on the couch.

"He's one, isn't he?" he nodded his head towards Dante, his voice mixed with excitement and nervousness.

"I am. You can tell that?" Dante asked, giving Gus a suspicious look.

"You mentioned a beast that's inside you – don't need to be a mad scientist to figure it out," Gus said, sifting his weight and chuckling nervously. "First, I must say I still can't quite believe you are one."

"A little bit of adrenalin and I can prove it to you," Dante said with a dangerous gleam in his eyes – he did not like Gus.

That was probably a problem, but honestly, I didn't care. I didn't like Gus either.

"There's no need for that," Gus said, again chuckling and moving restlessly. He did not like Dante either, but I had the feeling it was nothing personal.

"Why are you surprised?" I asked to get the conversation moving.

"Well, I was under the impression that his kind," Gus paused for a moment to adjust his glasses, "are extinct."

We all stared at him, but I doubted none of us were surprised.

"I haven't had a patient in twenty years," Ben mumbled, and Gus gave him a curious look.


I ground my teeth together all the while Ben briefly told Gus about his work with Dante and the other patients. Gus seemed very interested in Ben's story, and it made me curious – if he actually had dug up information about Rassawolves, he must've found the same article that led us to Ben in the first place.

And turned out I was right.

"I know you!" Gus said, excitedly shaking his finger at the old doctor. "I came across your name years ago! I tried to contact you, but you refused to see me."

"I... I had already retired... Too many people wanted interviews, but..." Ben smiled timidly. "But enough about me. We need to know everything you know about Dante and his... condition."

To Love A Beast | Gay MxM |Where stories live. Discover now