3. Broken Man

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What just happened? What the hell just happened?!

I was driving as fast as I could to get far away from that hell I just escaped from. There were times when I was hyperventilating, and times when I wanted to stop the car so I could cry my eyes out because of the emotional turmoil I was in. I was shaken to the core, and my panicking mind was unable to even start processing what just happened.

I had no idea if I was being followed, or if the car had a tracking device, but stopping wasn't an option. For the longest time, I didn't even know where I was, but then I spotted a sign that finally gave me a clue where I was. I was close to home... I kept using the small side roads, but I occasionally passed people, and they all stared at the wreck that was my vehicle. I was drawing a lot of unwanted attention and feared I would be pulled over by cops if I continued much further, but I wasn't able to decide on what I should do next.

My aching shoulder wasn't helping at all, but as long as I was filled with fear and adrenaline, I paid no attention to it. I must've been driving for half an hour, maybe even longer, when the pain had grown so bad I couldn't ignore it anymore.

I almost fainted at the sight of the bloody arm. It was then that I remembered I got shot after turning back to human. It took me another moment to remember that I couldn't heal fast anymore due to all the experiments that had been done to me. Besides, the bullet had to be still in me...

I stopped the car at the side of a quiet road that was lined up with old spruces on both sides. For a moment, I just sat there, staring at my still-bleeding wound. It couldn't kill me, right? If the bullet had been made of silver, I wouldn't be conscious anymore, and that was the only material that could kill me – if aimed at my heart. But it hurt. My God, it hurt. I let go of the steering wheel and couldn't lift the injured arm anymore. I tried, and almost fainted.

As I stared at the wound, I was growing anxious. I still had no idea what to do. I could still continue driving, but I was getting closer to the nearest city, where I'd be easily spotted. My home city... I wanted to go home so bad it hurt even more than my broken arm. I wanted to see my old friends and my family. Did they know I was still alive, or had Lena come up with some bullshit story that I was dead? She never told me what she said to my parents and my sister.

But... I couldn't go to them. Not now, anyway. If Lena was still alive – I had no memory of her after I broke free from the cage – the first place she would search for me was home. I had to find a place to hide and make sure she wasn't after me anymore. And then there was Killian. His wounds had seemed lethal, but he was surrounded by a bunch of doctors and scientists, so it was safe to assume he'd survive.

"Dammit..." I sighed in frustration, wiping cold sweat off my forehead.

I really should've killed him when I had the chance. That man was bound to come after me as soon as he was well enough to walk. I knew him well enough to be sure of it.

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