9. Solving Problems

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I wasn't proud of how I dealt with the situation when Dante started changing into that monster again, but I only had a few seconds to come up with something to stop him. Trying to calm him down didn't work, and the next best thing I could think of was my baseball bat, so... I did feel really bad about it since the guy had been through a lot of pain and fear already, but I didn't want to make another trip to Njizrski, and I had no idea how else to stop him.

Once I managed to get Dante in his bed, I checked his wounds. To my dismay, the gunshot wound had opened again and was bleeding lightly, so I cleaned it and wrapped his arm in bandages. I made sure the other injuries were okay, before checking the bump on his head. I felt terribly sorry for him when I realized how bad the swelling was.

And then I got mad. The thought of those bastards doing such vile things to our kind made my blood boil. Dante was never a bad man, perhaps somewhat of a douche but not a bad man. I always thought demon hunters were bad, but these sick fucks were much worse by the sound of it. At least hunters just killed us straight away, and they even preferred to do it while we slept so they didn't have to actually fight us. But that woman... It would be so easy to find where she lived...

Instead of committing murder, I spent the night reading about werewolves and herbs that would make a much stronger cocktail to keep Dante calm. He had accidentally transformed twice now, and if he never fully mastered his transformation, I needed to do something about the biggest trigger werewolves had: anger. The sad thing was that most of the herbs that could work would also keep him in a deep sleep by the sound of it.

That was one of the reasons why I decided to call my parents. I needed their advice, and I knew I could trust them. I mean, if I couldn't trust my parents, then who could I trust in this world? I left out the part about the scientist and their freaking lab and told them that I had a sick werewolf in my hands instead. Sadly, they couldn't help because they never really bothered to study potions or get to know more about supernatural creatures. They were all about using "real magic" and fight the monsters in Njizrski as they so eloquently put it.

So... All I had left was my mentor, Frank, the reason why I was much better at making potions than using magic. He was usually too drunk to actually teach me, so he just threw a random book at me, telling me to memorize everything. And then he ran off to Hawaii to chase some chicks and drink as much as he could afford with an inheritance he'd received from his late aunt. It was quite a lot, so I wasn't expecting him back home anytime soon.

At least he made me the co-owner of the magic shop before he hurried to the airport. It made things a lot easier if he accidentally drank himself to death while he was away.

Once I was back in the shop after leaving Dante to get some rest, I picked up my phone again. With a heavy sigh, I called Frank, not even bothering to check what time it was in Hawaii. I waited for a good while, listening in to the dull beep. When I was about to hang up, he finally answered.

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