54. Friends and Foes

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I felt so goddamn good as I listened in to the werewolf couple screaming and shouting and banging their fists against the walls of my cage where Roe had dropped them. It wasn't them that made me feel that way – it was the knowledge that we were getting really close to Killian.

True, we didn't know if they actually knew his location, but they knew something. Maybe enough for us to put the pieces together. And my god, showing Killian I wasn't afraid of him anymore had been even better. I knew he would see the recording one way or another.

"Could they just stop already?" Chase sighed next to me.

"Let's give them a moment," I told him.

I was hoping the couple would burn their energy against the cage to make Aaliyah's job to see their memories easier. We didn't have much time, but they'd been banging at the door for almost an hour now. They had to wear themselves out soon. Besides, Aaliyah needed a little more time to prepare for the mind reading. Invading their minds wasn't the same as checking my memories since I'd let her do it, while these guys would fight against it with everything they had.

"We can't wait forever, love," Chase reminded me. "They already know what we did, and they got a clear view of our faces."

"I know," I only said.

It was just a matter of time before Killian would find us. I knew that. He had already found Aaliyah's home, so he'd definitely locate this place as well. Ben had placed protections against intruders, but it was ill advised to underestimate Killian.

Though... If Killian came to us, things would get much more straightforward.

It didn't take long before Aaliyah returned to us with Zane. She listened to the ruckus for a moment before turning her attention to us.

"I am ready to begin."

Chase and I nodded. The banging never quieted down, so it was time for Plan B.

"Ben? You're up," I told the old man, who approached us with a small pouch.

"I was hoping it wouldn't come down to this," he said quietly. "It's very tricky to get the right dose."

We all glanced at the pouch he was holding. It contained a powder mix of ground herbs that together caused the person ingesting – or inhaling – it to become nice and cooperative. I did feel a little dirty for using tricks like that, especially after spending six months in that lab where they used all kinds of drugs on me.

But time was of the essence, and we had given the couple enough time to help us willingly.

"Do it," I told Ben, who approached the ventilation grill.

"Might want to step back in case some of it falls on this side."

We retreated further away, and Ben put a very old gas mask on his face. Seeing that really rubbed me the wrong way – again because of the rotten memories – and I almost felt bad for the werewolf couple.

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