63. Day in Heaven

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Two weeks had passed, and I still couldn't really get used to my new life. A life without fear. Killian's bases were gone, burned to the ground, and Lena's research was safely stored in Ben's secret vault. The Taylor family was gone, and their legacy had been ended. No more rassawolves.

Except for me.

Lara and Tanya took the cure, and there was no sign of the beast in their blood. They had called me once to let me know they were able to turn back to normal werewolves now. That was great news. That meant we actually had the cure now – if I ever needed it.

Ben was studying Lena's journal. He was determined on finding out if my life as a rassawolf could be prolonged. I guess that old man was having a hard time letting go of his research. He seemed happy, so I wasn't going to stop him. It was different for him now that my life wasn't on the line anymore. He honestly seemed glad to have something to do. Chase and I would eventually start helping him with it, but for now, we just wanted to take things easy and enjoy our new life together.

It didn't even matter to me that much. I was willing to let go of the beast if we started running out of time, but right now, I just didn't want to make any hasty decisions. We still had years to decide what to do. Maybe the beast could become useful at some point. Who knew?

We'd had other issues to deal with during the past couple of weeks, anyway. My parents being the biggest of them.

Since my father was a well-known businessman, we needed a good, solid plan to make sure I wasn't jeopardizing the supernatural community, nor draw any unwanted attention to myself. I couldn't live the rest of my life without them, and even the idea of having to hide my identity was exhausting enough.

That night, Chase teleported me into their backyard, where no one could see us. I'd been preparing myself to meet them for these past two weeks, but I was still a nervous wreck. An emotional one at that. I peered over my shoulder and received an encouraging smile from Chase.

"It'll be fine," he whispered before retreating into the shadows.

I took a deep breath and turned to face the backdoor. God, how many times had I sneaked in through that very same door in my younger years...?

I pushed the memories out of my head and knocked on the door. The lights were on, so they had to be still awake, but I had to wait for a moment before I saw movement behind the curtains. It was Dad. He was probably wondering who could be knocking on their back door so late at night. He peered past the curtains and saw me.

He froze. I waved at him, trying to smile and not start crying on the spot. Dad hurried to open the door and again froze to stare at me.

"Hey, Dad," I muttered.

"Dante...?" he breathed out.

He looked so much older than I remembered... He had a lot of gray in his hair and several new wrinkles on his face. People said I looked a lot like him, though he was a bit shorter than I was.

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