57. Back in Hell

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I was in so much pain that I didn't even want to open my eyes. The headache was the worst. Turning into that beast had really gotten rough. It was so bad I was surprised that I was even conscious. It was so bad that I didn't even notice the rest of the horrible sensations my body was trying to tell me about.

Without moving a muscle, I waited for Chase to notice I was awake. I couldn't wait to feel his cool fingers on my body. It always helped. And he had either painkillers or potions for me. He'd make the pain go away.

"Chase...?" I whispered, hoping he was close enough to hear me.

He wasn't... I tried to find his scent, but... but...

No... No, no, no... What I smelled around me... It was not home. It was... It was...!

I forced myself to look around, but the unnaturally bright lights hurt my eyes. It took me a moment to understand what I was seeing. I was in a cage, but not in my own. The walls were black, made of the same material as was my own, but this one was bigger, and there were massive pillars in the corners, chains hanging off them and tying me to my place in the middle of it all.

This place... It couldn't be... But those smells. It was so familiar...

And then I remembered what had happened. We were under attack, and I turned...

I understood perfectly where I was. But I didn't want to believe it.

"No!" I growled, trying to move, but my hands and feet were tied. The pillars didn't even let out a creak, no matter how hard I pulled.

I was back in my hell. I was back in that fucking laboratory. How? What happened? Why...? Where was Chase? What did they do to my friends? What did they do to my love?!

The beast was trying to emerge, but something stopped it from taking control. I was so angry and afraid... Normally I would have already lost control over our body, but now it wouldn't start. What was going on? Why couldn't I transform?

And why was I back here? How did Killian get me? How was he able to capture me? And where was Chase! What happened to him?!

This had to be a nightmare...

"You're awake."

My heart froze when I heard that voice. The door opened, and as I watched, Killian stepped in slowly, giving me a victorious glance.

We never made it to safety...

"You're looking good, mutt," Killian snorted at me. "But where is that confidence now, huh? Where are your friends? You promised to bring them with you."

"What did you do to them?!" I yelled at his face.

"Such a brave mutt..." he said, clearly hating the fact that I wasn't as weak-minded as I used to be.

To Love A Beast | Gay MxM |Where stories live. Discover now