41. Mad Science

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As we followed Chels through their city, I kept looking around so much my neck hurt. Just like the dwarven mountain, the pixie forest was fascinating.

It was very peaceful around us now that we were far away from the cave and the main street. The pixies had decorated the massive trees with dim, warm lights that shone behind the leaves, casting tiny shadows upon us, and giving the entire forest a welcoming, soft glow. The houses and balconies were covered in colorful flowers and vines, and when I looked closer, I could see long strings of small beads hanging off the flowerpots, sparkling under the thousands of lights. Those beads seemed like a huge trend around here, since everyone seemed to have them.

I barely even watched where I was going while I stalked the families having dinners on their balconies, or just spending time in the decorative gardens on the ground. I noticed that many of them waved at Chels as we passed them by, all with big, friendly smiles on their faces. None of them seemed wary of us, a big group of strangers three times bigger than them. They seemed so kind and friendly, like none of them had a mean bone in their bodies.

So how did they end up kidnapping someone?

Around ten minutes later, I noticed that the buildings around us were getting bigger, and there were less people around. There weren't as many lights either, and the gardens were bigger but not as colorful. A business district, perhaps?

Soon I got my answer, and it was yes – kind of.

"Bon's factory is just up ahead," Chels said, pointing in the distance where I could see much bigger buildings than what I had seen so far.

And the sky was actually visible since there were fewer trees in the area. The buildings were not quite like the factories I'd seen, but keeping their architecture in mind, these were clearly working places – offices, markets and manufacturing facilities. I even spotted a hospital sign on our way.

"I know you are eager to find your friend, but please, once we're inside, let me do the talking, okay?" Chels asked us with a friendly smile.

"Of course," Zane said, giving Frank a stern look.

"Great! I just have the feeling that things will go smoother that way," she said, also side-eyeing at Frank.

"I'll keep my mouth shut," Frank grunted.

We stopped next to the entrance of the building, and I was a little surprised they were more than big enough for tall humans too. While Chels rang the intercom right next to the door, I peered in and saw quite a big lobby behind the glass. With human sized chairs and everything. I was about to ask about it, but someone answered the intercom.

"Good evening and my apologies, but we are closed for the day!"

"Bon? Is that you? It's Chels."

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