27. Coopers Plus Two

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All of a sudden, I couldn't sleep. It was around six the next morning that I woke up and couldn't even close my eyes anymore. I didn't need to. I felt energetic. I really wanted to get out of bed, but there was a small problem.

Chase had a very tight hold of me even though he was fast asleep. His head was resting on my shoulder and arm wrapped around my chest, so there was no way I could leave without waking him up. And he definitely needed the rest. I hadn't seen him rest enough ever since we arrived here, and I was worried.

I touched his hand gently, turning my body towards him. He shifted a little as well but continued sleeping. I hesitated for a moment before touching his earrings, moving my finger slowly while listening to the tiny sounds they made. He had started wearing gold instead of silver because of me... Something in that thought made me... happy.

I thought about Roeruiz's words, and the horrible, empty feeling I had gotten when he asked me to leave with him. To leave Chase. I hadn't had enough time to think about my feelings, but now, as I watched him sleep, it felt right to be next to him. It felt more than right.

Although, it wasn't a surprise. When we first met in college, we hit it off right away. Of course, I was different back then, so full of shit and thinking I was a gift from gods, but what I felt for Chase was genuine. I cursed myself for ruining that... But now I had a second chance, and I was not going to screw it up.

It really helped to know that Roeruiz was keeping a close eye on me. I wasn't sure if he was able to stop me every single time I got out of hand, but I really wished he was. He seemed pretty determined on protecting Chase, after all. I hadn't told Chase about his master's fake plan to take me away because he seemed to be mad enough as it was because of the ring.

I sighed and peered at a small box on the desk by the window. I wasn't quite sure what Roeruiz meant when he told me to use the ring and deal with my inner demons. Chase had been too angry to explain anything and made me promise I wouldn't use it on my own. It seemed like a miraculous ring, and I could already see how useful it was. I was curious to know if it could calm me down when the transformation was about to start. That would be so great. I had the feeling we'd get the answer sooner rather than later.

Because I was probably going to need it in the morning.

Chase's parents were coming to visit, and I was done hiding in the room.

Chase suddenly moved in his sleep, mumbling something very quietly and gaining my full attention. As I watched him, the peacefulness inside me grew stronger. His determination to find a cure for me was really starting to rub off on me. There had to be one, right? We just had to find it, like he said, and the book he got did sound like exactly what we needed. If only we could read it...

It took a few hours before Chase started waking up. I spent most of that time staring at him like a creep, coaching myself into believing that I would survive. We would find the cure. There was no way we could fail. And for some reason, I actually believed it. I felt strong enough to believe it.

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