21. New Homebase

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I couldn't remember much about the fight. My memories were vague, blurry pictures of bloodied faces of the trolls, but then I got wounded. I snapped out of it and for a moment, I thought I had died. Apparently, the beast thought so too since I was able to gain control over it. That nauseating feeling of having a sharp blade deep in my guts... It got even worse when that troll ripped me wide open...

And then, I heard Chase's angry voice. I looked up at him, but suddenly there was this... what the hell was it? A massive column of bright light? Lightning? Whatever it was, when it came down from the sky, I thought we were done for. When it hit the ground, it became so unbelievably hot that I could smell my own fur burning. The bright light nearly blinded me, but once it was gone and I could see again, there was a hole in the ground, the edge only a few feet away from me. The blast had melted the rock where it hit and the troll was gone, but for a moment, I could see a thin veil of red mist in the air.

But then I saw Chase lying on the ground. I forgot all about the troll and the wound and the hole in the ground as I struggled to get up on my feet in a hurry. The transformation started, making it ten times harder for me to move, but I needed to get to Chase. Aaliyah beat me to it, and the worry on her face gave me anxiety.

I stumbled to a halt right next to his immobile body and knelt down. I was too scared to lift him up, no matter how much I wanted to. He was pale, his eyes moving rapidly behind his closed eyelids, and there was steam coming out of his body. His skin was hot under my touch – way hotter than a human body should be. I asked the vampire what happened, but she didn't seem to have any answers.

It took us way too long to wake him up. The fear was nearly suffocating me as I tried to shake him awake, and when he finally did, I almost fainted from relief. He seemed completely fine, but I was still horrified.

When he rushed to take a look at my stomach, I suddenly remembered that I was bleeding to death, but when I saw the wound I... I was embarrassed. It was merely a flesh wound! Was it really that small? I could've sworn the wound had been much, much worse than that. I mean, it was bad, at least ten inches long but still just a flesh wound. Probably not even enough to kill a human.

I could've sworn the spear had impaled me... It certainly had felt like it.

When we started walking back, the wound was aching, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I was really tired and walking through the small forest was quite a task, but we finally got to the road. The pain on my side was getting worse and my clothes were covered in my own blood, so I was glad when Chase cleaned it and patched me up.

But... it didn't seem to be enough... The wound was bad so of course it would hurt, but...

The pain was slowly spreading throughout my entire body on that side as we walked to the lab, but I pretended everything was fine. I didn't want to be seen as a whiny bitch – I was pathetic enough with my fear of humans – but it sure was draining my strength. By the time we stepped into the destroyed house, the world was slowly spinning around me. I kept telling myself that I just needed to rest, that's all.

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