44. Battling the Beast

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I stared at the blue, bright sky above me. I couldn't see a single cloud anywhere. It was the only thing I could see behind the rocky edges of the ravine. I couldn't hear a thing. The world around me was completely quiet. It was almost peaceful.

It took me a moment to understand that I couldn't feel a thing. For a short second, I was fine with it, but something was off. It wasn't a blissful feeling. It was... complete numbness. Like all my senses refused to work. I couldn't move. I couldn't blink. I couldn't even breathe, no matter how hard I tried.

Panic overtook me. This wasn't normal. Something was terribly wrong, and that thought cleared up a bit of the fog that had occupied my mind, and I remembered an ogre. From the corner of my eye, I could see it charging at me from behind the trees, but I never had enough time to react.

It hit me so hard I nearly lost consciousness. My head had been in such a massive pain I was sure my skull got split in half. Whatever happened after that got shrouded in the fog that was now clearing up. All I could remember was Chase yelling my name... and that I fell.

I stared up at the edge of the ravine. It was so far away... Too far away.

Was I dying...?

I saw movement above me. Flying rocks and other debris that was thrown over the edge of the ravine. Then, a familiar face peered past the edge, yelling something down at me. I couldn't hear them, nor was I able to respond. I still couldn't feel a thing. My body still refused to move...

I was so tired... What did it matter what happened? Who cared...? All I really wanted to do was to close my eyes...

And at that exact moment, the pain finally hit me. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out. I had never felt pain like that before, and I was used to pain. In that burning agony, I understood that my entire body was broken. I had broken everything when I fell and hit the rocky ground.

The pain was so bad I wished the fall had killed me...

But it also cleared my head.

The fog was gone, my memories were back, and I knew my time was still not up. I was not going to die in that ravine! Chase was till up there! I had to get up and help him!

I forced air into my lungs, feeling all the broken bones begging for mercy. I could suddenly smell the blood, and next, I could taste it in my mouth as the rest of my senses came back to life. I could hear the battle high above me. I could hear Chase's anger and fear.

My body still refused to move, however. The drop down had crushed me completely. I should've been dead. I would've been dead if I still was a human. Somehow, in that agonizing pain, I moved my hand. I could feel leather against my fingers, and I smiled.

I was broken...

But he was not.

I nearly passed out, but finally, after what felt like an eternity, I could feel another kind of pain in my leg. It was so, so pathetic compared to the rest of it, but I still felt it. I relaxed, letting go of the syringe as I opened my eyes and saw the sky again.

To Love A Beast | Gay MxM |Where stories live. Discover now