Chapter 45/ Marinette

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I opened my eyes slowly, shivering in the cold of after rain.

My eyes widened as I realized where I was and I sat up and got to my feet instantly.

"Marinette! Thank the stars you're okay! I was worried that you would die from the cold or something!" Tikki cried, and Plagg and Tikki hurried to hug me.

I hugged them back and looked up at the cloudy sky. My head started to spin and I could taste something that made my stomach churn in my mouth.

I opened my mouth to say something and blood spilled from my lips.

I slapped a hand over my mouth and looked at Tikki and Plagg.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?!" I cried through my hand, causing more blood to spill onto my clothes.

Tikki flew up to my hand, pressing it more into my face.

"Marinette, stay calm!" Tikki ordered, and I glanced at Plagg who had a disgusted but horrified look on his face. "You may have a minor concussion but you should be okay. Do you think you can make it back to the bakery?"

The pounding in my head told me "no" and so did my heart. My heart told me I could make it somewhere else.

"No." I pulled my hand away from my mouth and almost threw up when I saw one of my back teeth in my palm. "I-I need to get the Adrien."

Tikki stared at me for a moment.

"ARE YOU FUCKIN CRAZY?!" Tikki shrieked, and Plagg rushed forward.

"W-What she meant to say was: you have to rest now. It's bad enough that your cold got worse and possibly turned to a fever but now you have a concussion." Plagg explained for Tikki. "Kid if anyone knows how much you want to get to Adrien it's me. It's not worth it if there is a chance that you could mess up or get hurt or possibly even die. So can you make it to the bakery? Yes or no?"

I stared into Plagg's big green eyes and for a split second I thought I saw Chat's eyes behind them begging me to turn back.

I looked down and fought to keep my eyes open. "Yes."

I started with two wobbly steps before I fell right back to the pavement and closed my eyes. Worst mistake of my life.

Once I closed my eyes, I couldn't open them again and I started to panic.

"Tikki?! Plagg?! Help!" I cried, tears starting to trickle down my face.

"Marinette! Open your eyes!" Tikki ordered.

"I can't!" I lost feeling in my hands and the rest of my body was stiff and started shaking. "Tikki, please!"

I was crying hysterically now. Was I really just going to die here? On this wet, empty street with two kwamies? More kwamies in my home expecting me to come back with everyone back to life?

"Plagg, you go get the other kwamies and make them get Marinette home! I'll find a safer way to get us to Adrien later." Tikki added much emphasis on the word 'later'.

I could hear both kwamies flying off and I couldn't help but scream. They really were going to make me die here alone.

"PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE! Please! H-help me! Please...." My voice started to fade away as I realized there was no use in fighting it. Death is going to come to me sooner or later. I just wish it didn't have to be now.

"MARINETTE PLEASE DON'T BE DEAD!" Plagg screamed and suddenly I was being lifted into the air.

I could feel the kwamies underneath me and relief flooded my brain.

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