Chapter 38/ Marinette

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My hands and legs shook vigorously but I was unable to move them.

Chat and I locked eyes just as Deathwish knocked him out and jumped off of the balcony.

"CHAT!" I screamed, and willed my muscles to move.

At first it started with a few shaky, stumbling steps. But even when I didn't have my footing, I threw my yo-yo at the thing closest to Deathwish, not paying attention to what it was.

I pulled myself off of the balcony and I was swinging through the air.

I landed wrong and twisted my ankle as I fell onto the hard metal roof.

I cried out as the pain in moving even the slightest bit increased, but I still got back to my feet and ran after Deathwish.

No, no, no. I can't lose Chat too. I can't. I just can't.

I jumped over a brick wall that was sticking out of the roof.

I'm coming Kitty I promise. Just don't give up on me. Not now not ever.

Deathwish was merely three steps away. If only she would stay in her place.


I jumped with the sudden urge of thirst for blood powering my body.

I tackled Deathwish, causing her to drop Chat on the roof as we plummeted toward the pavement.

Deathwish cried out as she landed with me clawing at her throat.

"I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIM!" I screamed.

Deathwish kicked me off of her and I hit the pavement.

"You're a funny girl, you know that, Marinette?" Deathwish smiled as she got to her knees. "But I guess this has been an unfair battle. Come at me with your best shot."

Deathwish held her arms out to the side as if she was expecting a hug. Oh a hug she was going to get.

I bounced up from the ground so that I was in a squatting position. Then as I pushed off of the street and launched toward her, she put her gloved hand right toward my chest.

I kicked her hand out of the way and pinned her head to the street with the same foot while holding her hand down with my hand that was now shaking from both rage and pain.

"You thought I was going to try and take Chat, didn't you? I'm not that stupid." I growled, every muscle in my body starting to twitch.

Deathwish smiled as she panted, her masked face turning slightly red.

"You really are stupid aren't you?" Deathwish smirked, making me feel like I had made the wrong decision.

In my moment of hesitation, Deathwish swung her leg so that it hit the back of my head, making me lose my grip on Deathwish so that she could place her hands on my throat as she knelt on my stomach, digging her knees into my guts.

My vision blurred as tears sprang in my eyes. I tried to kick and thrash to get her off of me as I had flashbacks to the first fight we had.

As I tried to pull her hands away from my throat, she cackled.

"Poor helpless Ladybug. This is the hero you decided to place your trust in?! Pathetic." Deathwish spat as she looked at the all surrounding buildings where without a doubt, there was at least one person watching.

"No." I rasped and Deathwish looked at me. "They just believe in me."

And with that I threw my hands as hard as I could at Deathwish's nose.

The heel of my palm hit her nose and she fell backward.

Her blood splattered all over my chest and I quickly crawled out from under her legs to catch my breath.

I could feel that my hair was out of their regular ponytails as the locks of blueish-black caressed my cheeks.

I took deep breaths as I started to stand on trembling legs.

Just as I was about to jump and get to Chat, Deathwish --who was apparently conscious-- leapt at me and slammed my head into the pavement, and everything went black.


I opened my eyes slowly as my head started pounding and the rest of my body went into a numb sort of feeling. I could feel the cold wet pavement beneath me and the rest of my clothes were soaked as well.

I pushed up onto my elbows to look at my surroundings and my thoughts started to scatter when I realized exactly where I was.

Crap I'm on the street! And is it seriously raining again?! How long have I been out? Where is Chat? Chat. CHAT!

"Chat I'm coming." I whispered as I struggled to get up, but without me saying anything, Tikki flew out of my earrings, de-transforming me.

I screamed as the pain in my body tripled.

Tikki hugged my cheek.

"Marinette I know you want to find him and save him but she's not going to kill him. Trust me on this. You need to go back to Alya and Nino and make sure they are okay. You need rest. If you try to save him now you'll die before he does! I can't let another Ladybug die because I let them do something reckless!" Tikki whispered hurriedly, small bubble like tears dripping from her eyes.

As I looked at Tikki, I realized that she had to watch every single Ladybug before me die and she'll have to constantly continue to do that as long as there is a villain to defeat.

"Tell me you'll go home!" Tikki yelled, making me flinch.

I nodded. "I will."

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