Epilogue/ Marinette

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I took a deep breath as I smiled at Sarah, my friend from the University for Designers in New York. Yes, the one in America.

I had left Paris to stay in New York while I go to school here. I had gone to school to become a designer and today was the day we're finally graduating.

"You ready for this, Marinette?" Sarah asked, and I smiled.

"I was born ready."

We put on our graduation hats that we were assigned to make ourselves. Sarah's hat was kind of glitzy and glamorous and it would definitely stand out from the crowd. My hat was light pink with black flowers on it. And just for fun I sewed a little ladybug on one of the flowers.

"I still don't know how you are so creative, Marinette." Sarah shook her head and I laughed.

"It's only what we've been going to school for for the past few years!" I poked Sarah in the side through her graduation gown.

She shrieked as she jumped away and pulled her phone out of her sleeve she built into her hat.

"You really think of everything, huh?" I watched her hold up her phone and pose for a picture.

"Mari, get in here!" Sarah pulled me into the camera and I threw up a peace sign as I smiled.

"Send me the photo so that I can print it out." I said as we walked outside to our graduation.

Several people made speeches but I barely listened. I couldn't contain my excitement and tried to quiet my giddy giggles.

Sarah bumped me with her elbow and I bumped her back.

I couldn't help it. I was finally going to become a designer that I had worked so hard to become.

"Alright. I hope to never see you again unless you are a world famous designer." The head of the school joked, and a laughed rumbled through the crowd.

A few more words were said, and everyone removed their hats from their heads.

We all threw our hats in the air with a cry of joy.

Something about it felt so liberating. I had finally graduated.

Hours later, I was laughing with a group of friends at a bar until my phone dinged.

I checked the text, and my heart practically burst.

Adrien: I can't wait to see you!!!! Love you, Princess!!!

Marinette: I can't wait to see you either Kitty I'll be home soon!

"I gotta go, guys." I smiled at my friends and they all started getting teary eyed.

"Oh come on! Try to feel excited for me! I'm going home!" I pulled Sarah into a hug.

"I am excited for you! I'm just gonna miss you." Sarah squeezed me tight and I became misty eyed myself.

After hugging each of my friends and saying goodbye, I climbed into Sarah's car and she drove me to the airport.

Sarah turned off her car and got out with me.

She hoisted my suitcase out of her trunk and smiled at me.

"You ready to go home?" She asked, and tears slipped down my face.

"I was born ready."

"You've said that a lot today." Sarah noted, and I took my suitcase from her.

"Because it's the truth!" I wiped tears from my eyes and embraced Sarah one more time.

"We'll keep in touch, I promise!" I called as I hurried through the doors to the airport.

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