Chapter 4/Adrien

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Marinette was shaking as she walked into the principal's office, but her face turned red with anger as she looked at Lila who was sitting in one of the chairs shaking.

"You!" Marinette yelled, and immediately stopped moving. "What lies have you spun this time, Lila?"

I put a hand on Marinette's shoulder and she took a deep breath and looked at the floor.

"I told him the cold, hard, truth, Marinette!" Lila shouted, and stood from her chair.

Principal Damocles turned to Marinette.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Did you or did you not choke Lila and fight her?"

I could see the tears welling up in Mari's eyes as she started to shake just slightly.

"I did. But it was because she started it! I was just defending myself!" Marinette looked up at Mr. Damocles, and he seemed shocked at her tears.

"W-well, um. Marinette. The evidence is stacked against you. You are hereby suspended for two weeks." Mr. Damocles stuttered, and Marinette nodded slowly.

She turned around and hugged me, her face heating up just slightly.

I returned the hug and glared at Lila who was smirking at Marinette.

"See you in two weeks, Adrien." She smiled at me, the saddest expression on her face, and she walked out.

"Wait!" I called, and when Mari turned around with glistening eyes, I found them so familiar. Suddenly I could just see red ribbons in her hair.

"Yes, Adrien?"

I blinked twice and then smiled shyly. "Just remember to call."

A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she smiled and nodded.

She hugged Alya and Nino and Chloe too, and walked out of the school.

I watched her cross the street and walk into her bakery home.

I kept staring at where I knew her room was, and decided that Chat Noir needed to make a visit.


I had just landed on the balcony of Marinette's home and stumbled as I tried to fix the flower pot that I had accidentally knocked over.

The door to the balcony opened and Marinette stuck her head outside to see what it was.

"Kitty?" Marinette looked at me with surprise and I had to fight of the smile at hearing her call me Kitty.

"Hey, Princess." I replied, and Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Come on in." She smiled as I clumsily dropped into her bed and then slid off.

"What are you doing here so early?" Marinette asked, as she took out her hair.

"I- I um... I could ask you the same thing. Don't you have school?" I stumbled upon my words, distracted by the lovely locks of hair sheltering Mari's beautiful face.

"I got suspended. What about you?" Marinette replied, and I realized that I had to act surprised.

"Suspended?! For what?" I cried and Mari shrugged.

"I don't know. I just beat up some bitch from my class when she asked for a fight. Adrien was there to." Marinette was looking at her hands. "And when she punched him in the throat..."

Mari took at deep breath as she closed her fists. "I lost it."

"Why wouldn't you lose it when she hurt you, though? Only Adrien?" I asked, actually curious as to why she lost it when I was barely hurt.

"It's just that... Adrien means so much to me, and sometimes I don't think he sees it, but he already has it so rough at home. His dad is so cruel and he never gets to go anywhere. He has to live that model life and he often looks exhausted. He acts like everything is fine, but I know it isn't. So when Lila hurt him... I wanted her to feel his pain." Marinette looked up at me.

I was shocked at hearing this. How could Marinette know that? Maybe it's just because she's special.

I didn't realize that my cat ears were back and that my eyes were watering until Mari panicked and asked me what was wrong.

"Oh, nothing. I just... you're an awesome person, Marinette." I smiled and Mari smiled back at me.

"So what are you going to do with all this free time?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Probably make my sketches reality. My parents are going to talk to me soon, so you should probably go." Marinette walked towards me with a sad smile.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" I asked and Marinette smirked.

"You can see me tonight." Marinette put her hands on my shoulders and stood on her tip-toes to kiss me on the cheek.

I smiled at her, probably a larger smile than necessary.

As I was about to leap off of her balcony, I heard her say: "Bye, Chat."

Her voice was like cotton candy and it sounded like silk, and suddenly I got the urge to return her kiss.



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