Chapter 32/ Marinette

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I slowly opened my eyes, enveloped in a blanket of warmth.

Except it wasn't a blanket that I was wrapped in. I wasn't wrapped in anything. I was leaning my head against Adrien's shoulder with Alya leaning against my shoulder, and Chloe sprawled across my lap, her head in Alya's lap.

Alya was awake and was on her phone, playing some sort of game.

Chloe was still asleep, but barely. At this point it was like she was blinking really slowly. Her eyes opened for a few seconds, then she closed them again for a few minutes, then repeat.

I lifted my head off of Adrien's shoulder and Alya noticed my movement.

"Hey girl." She said quietly before turning back to her game.

"Hey." I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. "What time is it?"

"About 10:20." Chloe replied, and I jumped.

"Jeez, Chloe you scared me." I muttered.

We stayed silent for a while before Alya groaned, most likely from losing the game, then chucked her phone onto the couch.

"I'm bored." Alya moaned, and Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Of course you're the one who says that." Chloe smiled.

"Then let's go have some girl time." I suggested, and Alya instantly started nodding.

"Yes please!" Chloe sat up.

"Let's go do something." Alya said, what I think was agreeing with Chloe.

We all carefully got up, making sure not to wake the boys.

We tip toed over to our kwamis and told them what was going on.

I quickly scribbled a note so that when the boys woke up, they would know what happened to us.

"Let's go." I whispered as we pulled the last board off of the window.

We stepped onto the balcony and quietly transformed.

We all jumped off of the balcony.

We stayed silent as we fell, but laughed once we landed.

"So what do you want to go do?" Rena asked as we started to walk down the street casually.

"Let's go check Deathwish's house again. We can try to get the camera footage from there." Chloe suggested.

Alya made a shocked face at Chloe. "Damn. That's actually smart."

"You don't have to sound so surprised!" Chloe yelled at Alya, and the two started to argue about every stupid thing Chloe had ever said.

But I was barely listening. My ears were buzzing with the sounds that filled Deathwish's house when I was kidnapped. The blood that was splattered on the wall and the floor.

I looked down at my legs, and soon enough I was back in her basement.

Tied to the chair with the syringe in my hand, using the tip to scratch through the rope that was holding my legs down. My nose was bleeding and my head ached.


I blinked quickly a couple of times before realizing that I was just standing on the street with my two best friends.

"You okay, girl?" Chloe asked, putting her hand gently at the side of my arm.

I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Alya stepped closer to me, putting her hand on my other arm. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

"Yes we do. Let's go." I threw my yo-yo at a chimney on a roof, and swung away, Queen Bee and Rena Rouge right behind me.

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