Chapter 3/Marinette

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The next day, I walked into the courtyard with Adrien by my side. When I told him what was happening, he immediately volunteered to come with me.

At first, I thought that it was empty and Lila had been messing with me, but then I saw something move in the corner of my eye.

When I looked, it was Lila, and she was smirking at us.

"I thought you would be a pussy and be a no-show." Lila snickered, and Adrien stepped in front of me with hatred in his eyes.

"The only pussy here is you." He hissed. "What did you bring us here for?"

Lila smiled at her feet and crossed her arms.

"It's only fair that you know." She whispered, and smiled as she crept towards me, leaning in to whisper: "Class fight."

I quickly backed away from her and pulled Adrien along with me.

"No way!" I shouted and continued to pull Adrien away from Lila.

"What's she want?" Adrien asked me.

"Class fight." I whispered, and Adrien quickly stopped moving, pulling me behind him.

"Scaredy-cat." Lila smirked at me, and I something in my brain clicked.

She knew I was going to run away. I needed to prove that I wasn't predictable.

"No." I stepped out from behind Adrien, and took my hair out. "Class fight."

"Marinette?" Adrien looked at me with surprise.

"Class fight." I whispered again, and approached Lila.

She put her hands up and I followed promptly.

"3," Lila started.

"Mari, this is a bad idea." Adrien tried to reason with me, but I had already put my head in the game.

"2," Lila continued.

"Mari, please." Adrien pleaded.

"1." Lila lunged at me, so I quickly pulled back and threw my fists out, knocking Lila to the ground.

She smiled up at me. "Atta' girl."

I looked at her in shock as Lila swung her feet at my legs, causing me to fall.

Lila pounced on top of me, and put her hands on my throat.

At first, I tried to pull her hands away, but when that failed, I put my hands on her throat and flipped us over.

Lila kicked me in the stomach and continued to choke me.

I was there while Adrien was trying to pull Lila away from me.

"I've got it, Adrien." I croaked and took my legs, and balancing Lila on them. When she continued to choke me, I swung my legs towards my head, flipping Lila over me.

She cried out as I quickly took in as much air as I could.

She growled and was about to leap at me, when Adrien grabbed her under her arms and hurled her away from me.

Lila was quick, though, and soon, we were there, kicking and punching each other on the ground. Adrien was trying to get Lila away from me, but Lila always shimmied out of his grasp.

Adrien had finally gotten Lila to her feet, and she turned around and punched him in the throat.

Adrien collapsed and coughed as I stared at Lila, a feeling I had never felt before bubbling inside me.

Lila turned and smiled at me but what she wasn't expecting was me to grab her my the hair and throw her to the ground.

When she was on her back, I sat on her chest and held my hands at her throat, choking her until she herself was crying.

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