Chapter 1/Marinette

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Hey, there! I'm Marinette! Just a normal girl, with a normal life. Well, I guess that it's not all that normal. I am a superhero known as Ladybug. No one knows my identity, as it has to remain a secret. Anyways, I'm guessing you would know that.

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm, and moaned as I pulled my covers over my head. I loath Monday's.

"Marinette! Sweetie, it's time for school!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Coming, Mom!" I groaned as I shimmied out from under the covers and out of my bed. I sighed as I got dressed and was startled when Tikki, my kwami, cam swishing into my face to give me a little hug on my cheek.

"Good morning, Marinette! Ready for another great day?" The adorable little bug-like creature beamed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied as I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Let's just try to not get Lila angry today, okay?" Tikki smiles hesitantly, and I rolled my eyes as I squirted toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"She gets me going first!" I retorted.

"But still! She was akumatized twice already this week!" Tikki settled on top of my head, smoothing down some of my hair that was astray.

"Yeah, well Hawkmoth has to find a new target because she fails every time." I muttered as I spit into the sink.

"At least he finally gave up on that pigeon guy. What's his name? Mr. Pigeon?" Tikki giggled.

I laughed at that as I walked back into my room and grabbed my bag.

"Thank goodness he did. That guy was getting annoying. And I was getting kinda sick of ice cream anyways."

I checked the time and realized that I was going to be late. Again.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I murmured as I ran down the stairs, quickly swallowed my toast, and ran out of the door after kissing my parents.

I ran out into the open and looked across the street at my school where I could hear the bell ringing.

When the walk sign was on, I raced across the street and into class.

Luckily, I wasn't the only one late.

I crashed right into Adrien as I reached for the door handle.

"Woah! Sorry, Marinette! You okay?" Adrien gave me that dazzling smile that melted my heart.

"Y-Yeah! Are you?"

Adrien nodded as he held the door open for me. We walked in together and I scowled at the look Alya was giving me.

I waved and smiled at Nino and Chloe as I hurried to my seat.

Believe it or not, Chloe and I are good friends now. We usually just tease each other, but it's all fun and games.

I made sure that Lila caught my glare as I sat down and Ms. Bustier started the class.

When class was over, we collected our homework and filed out of the classroom.

But being the clutz that I am, I tripped and dropped all of my papers. Someone bent down to help me get it.

"Oh, thank you so mu-"

I cut myself off as I looked up and saw who it was, it was Lila.

"I can get it myself." I said, and pulled my papers closer to me as I started picking them up.

"I need to talk to you, Marinette." Lila sneered, and I bit my lip.

"I have to go. I'm having lunch with my friends." I finished collecting my papers and made to walk out, but Lila grabbed my arm.

"You won't regret it." Lila whispered. "In fact you'll be glad I told you."

I opened my mouth to respond. Not a very nice response, but then, someone grabbed my hand.

It was Chloe. "Hey, Mari! I was looking for you!"

Lila let go of my arm and smiled at Chloe. What an actress.

"Hi, Lila. We have a lunch planned and we don't want Mari to miss it, so I'll be snatching her from your claws, bitch." Chloe began leading me out of the classroom, just as Lila's smile grew.

"What did she want?" Chloe asked, as she let go of my hand.

"She wanted to talk." I replied, and looked back at the classroom where Lila was walking out.

"What about?"

"I dunno." I replied, and smiled as Chloe waved at Nathaniel.

"The ship will sail some day." I smirked as Chloe gasped and pushed me away from her.

"I hate you." Chloe grumbled as she led me to her hotel/house.

We each take turns having lunch at someone's house. Well, except for Adrien's. Today it was Chloe's turn.

We walked into the elevator and walked to her room, where everyone was already waiting.

"There you guys are!" Alya pulled us over to the table where there were plates of food waiting for each of us.

After lunch, we went back to school and finished all of our classes. I told my friends that I was going to help my parents in the bakery this afternoon, so they could go on without me.

I walked past the bathroom to leave the school, but a hand stuck out and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the bathroom.

I knew who it was even before I heard her voice.

"If you won't talk willingly, I'll have to force you." Lila sneered, and I turned around to glare at her.

"Okay, now you have me here. What do you want?" I crossed my arms as Lila circled me.

"I need to talk to you... about your friends."

"I don't have time for this." I muttered as I stepped away from Lila.

"Yes you do. You care about your friends' lives, don't you?"

I nodded my head. Isn't it obvious?

"Just be careful who you fight with. Otherwise things could get mucky." Lila whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I quickly ran out of the bathroom as I felt Lila reaching for my bag, and ran until I was in my room, by myself.

"What the hell was that?" I breathed, as Tikki sat in the open palm in my hand.

"I don't know, but it sounded like a threat. You should report it just in case." Tikki was looking up at me worriedly.

I nodded as I sighed and looked out the window.



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