Chapter 2/ Marinette

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I was in my Ladybug suit with dead bodies lying on the ground around me. I screamed as I realized that the bodies all belonged to every single person in my classroom. Except for Adrien, Alya, Chloe, and Nino. I don't know where Adrien was, but everyone else was there and in their superhero outfits.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked around for my partner and saw him on the ground, dead.

My heart picked up it's pace as I turned to look at my new enemy. Everything was blurred except for a gloved hand reaching toward me.

"Give me your Miraculous, and everyone will come back."

I reached up for my Miraculous and suddenly, I heard someone calling my name.

When I looked, it was Chat Noir. He was right beside me, but he was dead. Calling my name.

Everything turned fuzzy except for Chat Noir's face as I opened my eyes to see myself in my room that was lit by the moon.

I quickly sat up and hurried out of bed, looking everywhere.

"Where's Alya?! And Nino?! And Adrien?! And Chat! And everybody?! Where are they?! They're gone! All gone!" I was sobbing as I stumbled around in my room, knocking over anything in my path.

"Shh, sh sh." I felt an arm wrap around me as I sank to the ground. "I'm right here, princess. And everyone else is home sleeping. It was just a Dream. Just a dream."

I looked up and saw Chat Noir's big green eyes staring back at me.

"Chat?" I whispered, before burying my face into his shoulder. "I thought I lost you!"

"You'll never lose me, princess." Chat promised, and hugged me as I continued to cry.

Chat Noir had been stopping by unexpectedly lately this week, and we've become friends. He's only seen a hint of this side of me before and it has been when I saw him fall off of the balcony. Of course, he caught himself, but I was still crying.

I closed me eyes and took deep breaths trying to compose myself.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I murmured as I adjusted my head so that I was nuzzling into his neck.

I could feel his face heating up. "Not really. I was coming by to see if you needed help with your homework again but then I heard you scream a bit, and so I came inside and tried to wake you up-"

"Thank you, Chat." I whispered and returned the hug he was giving me.

I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes.

"What was your dream about?" Chat asked, as I stood up to correct everything I had manage to knock over.

"It was a nightmare." I replied, and I could feel he was waiting for me to continue, but I just pressed my lips together and looked away from him.

"Any new designs I can look at?" Chat asked after helping me right everything.

I hesitated before nodding and handing him my book of sketches.

He flipped through them and I saw his eyes widen as he looked at my latest design. It was a dress that had music notes all over it and lots of different instruments.

"I love this! Would wear if you made it a suit. Scratch that I would wear it anyways." Chat smiles at my book.

Then his eyes lock onto something in the corner of the page.

"What is that?" Chat began laughing, but then crossed his arms and scowled at me.

"Hm?" I walked over to him and sat beside him, looking at what he was.

"Pffffft!" I started laughing when I realized that it was a drawing of Chat cartoon, bug eyed, and tongue out.

"Are you responsible for this abomination?!" Chat teased as he poked my cheek.

I continued to laugh as Chat tried to make the face.

Then he started laughing and we laughed until we were basically wheezing. It wasn't even that funny.

Eventually our whispers and giggles turned into yawns and snorts.

Eventually, Chat had to carry me to bed when I could no longer keep my eyes open.

I curled up under the covers and smiled as I could feel him staring at me.

I sat up just slightly as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Night, Kitty." I whispered and just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt Chat's lips brush my forehead and heard him whisper: "Good night, princess."


The next morning I woke up to the blaring alarm, and groaned. Why did Chat have to keep me up so long? Stupid cat.

I did my routine to get ready as Tikki told me that she wants me to warn her whenever Chat comes around.

I ate my breakfast at a steady pace and then walked to class.

When I arrived in class Lila was the only one there. I guess I was early.

"Hi, Mari!" Lila smiled at me as she waved, and I crossed my arms as I remained standing.

"I would prefer you to call me Marinette, thank you very much." I replied and rolled my eyes when Lila frowned at me.

Lila stood from her seat and walked toward me, stopping when she was only a few inches from me.

"Meet me in the courtyard during lunch break. You can bring allies, but choose wisely."

"What are we doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You'll see." Lila whispered and walked back to her seat seconds before the bell rang.



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