Chapter 7/Marinette

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When I walked into class the next day, there were two grinning faces missing. In fact there were no grinning faces at all. Everyone was frowning as they looked up at me.

My bottom lip trembled as I waved to my friends and sat down.

"Now let's get class started. But first, let us have a moment of silence for the losses that we have experienced." Ms. Bustier closed her eyes as we waited for about a minute in silence.

I silently promised Kim, Max, Luka, and Kagami that I would defeat Deathwish and make everything right again.

After class, I dragged myself out of the classroom.

Today, we were supposed to have lunch at my house, but I told my friends to go on without me.

I wasn't hungry at all. It felt like my stomach had straight up disappeared. Plus, I just wanted to be alone.

I sat against the wall and closed my eyes, drifting off into a restless sleep. The kind of sleep that makes you even more tired. The sleep that isn't sleep at all.

I opened my eyes again when I heard my friends voices again.

I looked at them, and they walked up to me with a concerned look on their faces.

"Did you eat anything at all, Mari?" Chloe asked, and I shook my head.

"Here. We brought you these." Nino handed me a box of what I assumed were macarons.

Tears formed in my eyes when I opened the box to see the perfect small cookies.

One was a light bluish green, the color I always associated with Luka. One was a deep red, the color that Kagami always had on her somewhere. One a bright red. Kim's favorite color. One a dark green. The color that Max always had loved.

I broke down into tears as I held the box to my chest.

"I'll kill her, I promise." I whispered into the box so that my friends couldn't hear me.

After helping me up, Adrien pat me on the shoulder and I could see the tears in his eyes too.

He pulled me into a hug and I cried looking at the ground.

I could see the dark spots on the ground that our tears were making and they eventually mixed.

"Who could she be?" I whispered, and Adrien closed his eyes.

"I have a theory." He replied.

I didn't wait for him to elaborate because I already knew who he was suggesting.

"I knew Lila was dangerous." I responded, and pulled away from him.

"Mari," Adrien called after me as I walked away from him. I still had the braids Chat Noir did in my hair and i took them out, needing a way to hide.

I walked into my next class with new curtains to hide behind.

I walked all the way to the backseats and sat down. I buried my face in my elbows and took several deep breaths. I would find Lila's house tonight and see if she's there. If not, I could see if there are any hints as to where she would be.

I heard several people walk into the classroom, but I didn't look up.

"Um, Marinette? This is my seat." I looked up to see Nathaniel, the red head that used to have a crush on me.

I blinked at him slowly, and I noticed that most of the class was looking at me, including my friends.

"Did you hear me? This is my seat." Nathaniel smiled nervously at me.

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