Chapter 23/ Adrien

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I opened my eyes to find myself wrapped around a small ball of warmth that smelled of croissants and vanilla with just a hint of sweat.

I soon realized that the ball was Marinette and smiled.

I made to lift my arm so that I wasn't so wrapped around her, but found my hand intertwined with her's.

"Don't even think about it." Mumbled Marinette sleepily.

I chuckled. "Can I use the bathroom?"

"Maybe. Just gimme five more minutes." Marinette said, and in a few seconds her grip on my hand loosened a bit.

I gently pulled my hand out of her's and climbed out of her bed clumsily.

Once I came back from the bathroom I found Marinette glaring at me with her arms crossed from her bed.

"What?" I laughed as she pouted.

"You left me." She replied, and I shook my head with a smile.

"Clingy much?" I chuckled and I walked over to her as she climbed effortlessly down the ladder and I landed a kiss on her forehead.

She blushed furiously as she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest even though we were standing.

"I'm not clingy, but don't test my limits." She grumbled.

I smiled as I looked down at her and cuddled her back. "Okay, Okay I won't!"

"Good." She then pulled away, her face red.

But her eyes were red and slightly puffy too.

"Are you okay, Princess?" I asked, and Marinette looked to the floor.

"I just hope we can defeat her." She murmured, and I sighed.

"We will, Princess I promise." I whispered and reached for her hand.

Everyone was still staying at Chloe's because we figured it would be safer if we were all together. Yes, it would make us an easier target, but we would be able to protect each other.

Once we arrived to the hotel and we were ushered inside, we bolted up the doors and windows in the lobby.

"We have to go over some rules for now until Ladybug and Chat Noir take care of Deathwish." Mayor Bourgeois stated and Marinette and I looked at each other.

"Rule number one. Doors and windows must be locked and bolted up at all hours except for when we eat and visit family. You will have two hours to do so. We are still figuring out what time that will occur." Mr. Bourgeois strokes a beard that wasn't there before continuing. "No leaving the hotel unless it is mandatory. Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette will stay in Chloe's room and the adults will all get separate rooms. No going on the roof ever. That will be one of the easiest places to take you. If I have missed anything, we will announce it later. For now, go to your rooms, located on the 5th floor."

Everyone instantly took what little baggage they brought and started heading for the elevators.

The kids all went in one elevator, minus Alya's sisters and Nino's brother. Once we arrived on the fifth floor, Chloe led us all to her room.

She opened the doors and let us all in. We all dropped our bags on the couch and sat down either on the couch, on the back of the couch, or on the floor leaning against the couch.

"Make yourself at home since... this is your home for now." Chloe looked at the boarded up windows.

The room was dark without the natural light and the lights above seemed to glare down at us. "The room felt smaller since the windows were closed off, so it felt a bit crowded and awkward.

"I'm gonna go visit my fam before we have to lock the door." Alya said, standing up.

"Yeah I think I will too." Marinette said standing up.

"Me too, dudes." Nino stood as well and walked out of the door with the girls.

While the girls were gone, Chloe and I waited in silence. What was there to talk about? The weather?

Then on the loudspeaker, we heard Mayor Bourgeois' voice. "We have decided that the time to go eat and talk to your family is from 9a.m. to 11a.m.. One last thing. You will be provided with three medical kits and an emergency hotline just in case. Thank you. please return to your rooms because once the med kits are deposited, we will be boarding up the doors."

Just as the message finished, Marinette came through the door with a sigh.

She walked to me and sat down on the ground beside me, leaning her head against my shoulder.

Chloe narrowed her eyes at us suspiciously. "Am I missing something here? I thought you were supposed to be dating Chat Noir?"

I started to panic, but Marinette facepalmed. "Chloe, I was trying to keep that a secret! Yes I am dating him! Adrien and I are just friends."

Damn she's a good actor.

Then I realized that it was my turn to do the acting. "Wait, you're dating Chat Noir?"

This is harder than it looks.

Marinette turned to me. "Yes I am. Gotta problem?"

I giggled nervously. "N-no not at all. I'm just surprised, that's all."

I honestly would have never guessed that Mari was faking if I didn't know. She even got defensive about our relationship. It was adorable to see, but scary when she's aiming her glares at you.

"Cool. Now let's talk about something else." Mari crossed her arms and leaned her head back on my shoulder.

Nino and Alya walked back into the room chatting quietly arms linked.

"Hey, Alya! Nino! Did you know this one is dating Chat Noir?!" I yelled once they looked up at us.

Nino's jaw dropped, but Alya just rolled her eyes.

"Of course I knew. I'm her best friend. Either I find out by myself or she tells me." Alya smirked at me and Mari giggled.

"Boys are stupid." Chloe said, and walked toward the door to kick it shut.

"Oh yeah?! Well girls are..." Nino paused mid-comeback, trying to thing of something insulting to say in return. "Well girls are drama queens!"

"Says the one that screamed like girl in the middle of the street when a bee flew by." Alya laughed as she crossed her arms.

Nino huffed and scowled. "Bees are scary, okay?"

Chloe smirked as she tip-toed to behind Nino and started making a buzzing noise similar to the sound a bee would make.

Nino's face paled and he jumped, making a high pitched shriek escape his mouth.

We all instantly started cracking up as Nino glared at Chloe.

"Not cool dude." He grumbled.

I looked down at Marinette who was softly giggling at her friends.

My heart filled to the brim with love that I just wanted to coat her in. The way her eyes crinkled when she scrunched up her face as she laughed. The way her smile made my brain fuzzy and my heart warm. Her kindness. Her sass. I loved every single part of her. And I wanted the whole world to know. But as of right now, that wasn't possible.

But that's okay. I wanted to keep her my little secret for now anyways.

Thank you very much for reading! They are so cute together I can't take it! 🥺 What's your favorite ship? Who do you ship Chloe with? My poor single bb. What do you think Deathwish is up to next? Are you excited to find out? Me too.

I hope you enjoy the next chapter!!!🐞🐱

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