Chapter 16/ Marinette

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I woke up on Chloe's couch and looked around, everyone was still asleep. I sat up slowly and checked my phone for the time.


I rubbed my eyes and lay back down, but after about a half hour of trying to fall asleep, I gave up and got to my feet.

I quickly walked into Chloe's bathroom and woke Tikki up.

"Tikki, I need you to answer honestly." I stared into her eyes, and she nodded. "What happened yesterday?"

Tikki sighed, like she knew I was going to ask that, and she was hoping I wouldn't. "Your eyes were glowing for a long time. You could basically see the spirits of Rose and Juleka."

I covered my mouth with my hand and leaned against the counter. "So you mean they're actually...?"

Tikki nodded her little head.

I sank to the floor and let out a sob. I had failed my job to protect my friends. Deathwish was going to kill everyone and finish off with me. And I would be able to be with my friends, whatever happens after you pass away. Or should I say wherever? I don't know anymore.

"I know you can beat this akuma, Marinette! I believe in you!" Tikki cuddled my cheek, but I could barely feel her.

I let out another sob, and soon, I was crying really loud in Chloe's bathroom.

I heard footsteps outside of the door and Tikki flew into my shirt. Not the ideal place, but my bag was closed and outside.

A knock sounded on the door before it opened a crack and a green eye peered in at me.

The door opened more as Adrien blew out a sigh of relief as he walked in and closed the door.

He sat beside me and just let me cry into his shoulder.

Eventually, I stopped crying and I was just resting on his shoulder.

I don't know how long we were there for, but eventually, I heard Alya and the gang calling our names.

Adrien got to his feet and asked me if I was coming.

"I just need another minute." I looked up at him with a shaky smile and he nodded, quickly slipping out while shutting the door behind him.

Tikki flew out of my shirt with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Marinette."

I pulled Tikki in for a hug. "Not your fault."

"But you need to understand that it isn't your fault either." Tikki pulled away from me, and hovered in front of me.

"But isn't it?" I broke down again. "If I hadn't exposed Lila for her lies to Adrien on her first day, she never would have become such a powerful and destructive villain!"

Tikki came closer to me and swiped a tear off of my cheek. "But then Adrien would have been believing a stupid liar."

"But I would prefer to have that rather than have all my friends dying in front of my eyes!" I cried, scrunching my eyes shut. "The nightmares, Tikki! The nightmares! They stand in rows in front of me screaming at me that it's my fault! That they will never forgive me for what they did! The nightmares are becoming so scarily realistic! I can still feel the place where each and every one of them struck me! I still feel it!"

"Marinette, quiet down, please! I'm sorry! I get it! What do you think happened to me when Nooroo and Dussu got taken away?" Tikki presses her hands to my mouth.

I looked to the ground. I took a few deep breaths before I got to my feet and splashed my face with cold water.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had puffy red eyes, making the blue stand out more. My hair was frizzy from not being brushed in a week or so. Water droplets were dripping down my face. I watched them trickle down my cheeks and drop from my chin.

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