Chapter 35/ Marinette/ Adrien

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this chapter is in partially Marinette's POV, and partially Adrien's. Just wanted to make sure there is no confusion.•

Marinette's POV

"What?!" I shrieked, and pulled on the yo-yo even tighter.

"I found him and killed him so that I could take the Miraculous for myself. I-" Deathwish had a coughing fit.

"Who was he?" I asked quietly.

Deathwish turned back to me with a slight smirk.

"H-his name was-... Gabe-Gabriel Agreste."

My yo-yo released Deathwish and she collapsed coughing.

I fell to the ground, giving in to the pain, but taking on a whole new numbness.

I stared at the ground in front of me, and by the time I looked up again, Deathwish was gone.

"Adrien." I whispered, before blacking out from pain.

Adrien's POV

I sighed as I sat down on the couch in the hotel after visiting Marinette.

"Is she okay?" Alya rushes up to me, wiping tears out of her eyes.

"You good bro? You look kinda shaken up." Nino asked, right behind his girlfriend.

I shook my head.

"I think she was sleeping when I came. She asked me some stuff I..." I sighed as I ran a hand down my face. "She asked me that if it came down to my life or hers, make sure I survive. Then I just left her and I can't- I don't- ugh."

Alya sat down beside me as she sighed.

Nino sat down next to her and pulled her to lean on his shoulder.

My arms feel so empty without Marinette. The room feels empty. Not to mention the absence of Chloe.


I remember all the times when we were little. Chloe was always there for me. When something was wrong, she knew and did everything in her power to fix it. When we would play together, she wouldn't be mean or bossy. She would adjust everything she did to better me. To make everything go exactly the way I wanted. And now I feel selfish for never doing the same for her.

I hugged my legs and buried my head in my lap as the tears came on.

I sniffled as quietly as I could, not wanting Alya or Nino to notice.

But soon enough, Alya was pulling me into a hug with Nino.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder as she rested her head on top of mine when my head fell onto her shoulder.

"I miss her too." She whispered.

I couldn't tell if she was talking about Chloe or Marinette, but either way it didn't matter.

I took a shaky breath before pulling away from Alya.

I got to my feet and started walking into the bathroom.

As I stood, I caught a glimpse of Alya's hurt, tear stained face. But I couldn't bring myself to care about how she was feeling right now.

I started filling the tub with steaming hot water and then stripped down.

I rubbed my eyes as I turned off the water and pulled out my phone.

I started playing some rain sounds so that I didn't get anxiety from the quiet.

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