Chapter 43/ Marinette

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I fell to the ground, dead weight pushing me down.

My eyes were squeezed shut when Deathwish had shot the bullet.

I hit the ground and heard Deathwish jump away, mission complete, probably off to get Chat.

The weight at first I thought is what it feels like to die. But after I didn't fade out of consciousness, I slowly let my eyes flutter open.

I wasn't in pain. It didn't feel like I had been hit.

My arms tightened around the thing weighing me down. Around a muscular body that I knew better than anything. That I would recognize anywhere.

There he was. Laying on top of me. A bloody hole in his suit.

I sat up quickly and got on my knees, resting his head in my lap.

The world around me went silent. Tears blurred my vision.

Chat Noir. Adrien.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and the tears broke free.

"CHAT! NO! ITS GONNA BE OKAY! IT HAS TO BE OKAY! DON'T DIE ON ME! PLEASE!" I cried, and he grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight.

He smiled weakly as he de-transformed.

I shook my head as Plagg stared at his owner in horror.

"Come on, kid. You're strong. You can beat this." Plagg floated closer to Adrien, but not too close, scared as if being too close would hurt him more.

"You promised. Please." I whispered.

Adrien turned his gaze from Plagg to me.

Holding my hand even tighter, Adrien's eyes started fogging over. Turning glassy.

"Don't cry, Princess." He whispered.

With those last words, his whole body went slack. His smile disappeared and his face went blank along with his eyes. His hand let go of mine and fell to his side.

Everything was silent except for the ringing in my ears.

I stared down at him. The tears had stopped. My voice had disappeared. Everything was numb. My mind was blank.

Then it all crashed down at once as I pressed my forehead to Adrien's.

Then there was a scream. My scream. Louder than I had ever screamed before. Louder than I thought was possible.

It scratched against my wind pipes and tore my heart out of my chest. It released a beast inside of me that tore my insides to shreds.

The scream seemed to shake all of Paris and I screwed my eyes shut. My world crumbled apart leaving nothing but a painful blankness. A dark, numbing yet painful patch of nothing. Who could hurt someone so wonderful? So perfect and amazing? Who could hurt someone who was finally mine? Finally mine after all this time. Now gone. Who could do such a thing? Who? Who?

My pain suddenly turned to anger and my eyes snapped open.

I looked at the space around Adrien's waist in my lap and found the bottle of poison. Metal melting poison to be exact. So there was no hiding from me. Not anymore.

I sat Adrien down on the street gently as I stood up.

This time I could see the lights circling around me, and as I looked at Plagg, I saw my reflection in his eyes.

My eyes were glowing white and my hair was billowing about around me. My skin was red with spots of black and big Ladybug wings spread behind me.

"I will get him back." I whispered to Plagg, and Plagg sank down to sit beside Adrien, tears in his big green eyes. Green eyes that were so similar to Chat's.

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