Close Call

993 38 7

Third Person POV

"How ya feelin', Shads?" Sonic asked, and the older hedgehog brushed him away.

"I told you, I'm fine. Now go worry about your girlfriend or something."

"Hey! She is not my girlfriend."

"Sure," he replied with a teasing smirk that made Sonic frown in annoyance. Rouge watched the two boys from above. She was perched on a railing that ran above the control room and observed everything below.

Cream and Jimmy Z were fast friends. He showed her how to play some of his video games, and they took turns. Cheese would hover in the background, cheering them on.

Amy and Koki were giving each other fashion tips and simply getting to know each other. They seemed to hit it off pretty fast too.

Knuckles was talking with Martin and Chris, who were eager listeners. He also didn't mind showing off his strength, proudly holding a large box full of mechanical parts above his head.

"You sure this is the heaviest thing you got? I lift more on the weekends!"

The white bat rolled her eyes at this, even if it was true. The Master Emerald weighed much more, and with how many times she "liberated" it, she figured that she helped keep him in shape. In fact, she was pretty toned as well from all of her Angel Island heists.

Tails and Aviva were both at her work table, going over multiple blueprints for different projects. Rouge had to admit the girl was smart, though Tails was definitely the smarter of the two. He would show her different tips that she was extremely grateful for, and the two began to plan something for their adventure.

Rouge's turquoise eyes landed on the two male hedgehogs once again, and she pursed her lips in thought. They never acted this close back on Mobius, and she wondered what finally made them get along. They hurled light insults back and forth with playful grins (in Sonic's case) and the occasional shove, as they stood side by side with their backs on the wall and a foot propped against it. They acted as if they had been best friends their entire lives. However, the situation quickly escalated.

"Get back here, you idiot!" Shadow yelled as he chased after a speeding blue blur in a streak of red. They zoomed across the crowded space, narrowly dodging the many people in the room, sometimes even resorting to running/skating on the walls. The wind made Knuckles drop the crate on his foot, and he hobbled in shock and pain.

"You two stupid hedgehogs!"

"Come on, is that the best you got?" Sonic taunted, completely oblivious to his friend's injury.

"Ha! Try me," Shadow challenged.

"Ooo, whatcha gonna do?"

"Stand still and find out."

"No can do. Gotta catch me first!"

Sonic had been running backwards at this point, and so he didn't see Amy's outstretched arm, which caused him to "clothesline" and come to a sudden stop by nearly faceplanting. Shadow, not being able to stop in time due to the lack of friction from his skates, tripped over him and landed roughly. Both hedgehogs rolled like tumbleweeds before finally crashing into the wall upside down.

"Sheesh, watch where you're going, Blue," Shadow remarked casually as he stood and brushed himself off.

"Hey, don't look at me!"

"Guys!" Amy's voice caused them to look up. She had her arms crossed, and she was tapping her foot. The entire room was a mess. Papers and parts were strewn everywhere, and all of the bystanders had wild looking hairstyles.

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