Giving Me a Headache

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Shadow's POV

No matter how many times I turned in my hammock, I couldn't find a comfortable enough position to fall asleep. Then again, with all that's been weighing on my mind recently, it's no surprise sleep decided to become more elusive than usual. I mentally checked off everything that has happened ever since I decided to "take a stroll" through the doctor's newest base weeks, or should I say months, ago, depending on which dimension I measure time from:

I had trashed said base in record time, with no thanks to a certain blue pain in the tail.

Sonic and I were chaos controlled into an alternate dimension similar to the Earth I once knew.

The two of us teamed up with a group of scientists, who honestly look like they just stumbled out of college or maybe even high school, in order to find the chaos emeralds.

I somehow got mixed up in this planet's "internal affairs" and I probably have a few head...scratch that, weeks to find the remaining world hearts. Stupid migraine.

I also found out that Sonic and I are apparently twin brothers born from the Master Emerald. Yeah, can't forget about that little Easter egg. Speaking of which, I wonder what the doctor is up to, now that most of us are trapped in this world? I'm willing to bet it's nothing good, but with the chaos emeralds with us and a few strong fighters still on Mobius, I'm sure everything will be in mostly one piece by the time we get back.

That thought suddenly brought a far more disturbing one to mind. I was bound to this planet. I was slowly becoming its life force. What would happen when it's time to leave? Will I even be able to go back to Mobius? What if I have to stay here in order to keep this world spinning, while everyone else goes home? Gah, don't over think it, Shadow. You're sleep deprived and have been stressed far over your max one too many times these past few days, I thought, Everything will turn out just like it always does...It has to. Besides, you made a promise to get everyone home safe, so everything will have to be okay. I am the Ultimate Lifeform, and I never break a promise.

I felt my eyelids droop as I was finally able to fall asleep...

My first thought when I woke up was that my head hurt. A lot. I can't remember the last time I had such a major headache, but this is definitely going to be ranked as one of my top five. I was vaguely aware of someone shaking me, most likely trying to wake me up, but I turned on my side away from them and grumbled an order to allow me more time to sleep off this migraine.

"Did he seriously say 'just five more minutes'?" someone asked, but I couldn't care less who.

"Hang on, I think I know what might do the trick," another voice stated. Why did he have to be so loud? I only wanted to sleep; is that too much to ask?

"Yo, Shads," the same voice whispered lowly in my ear, "Knuckles is going to ask Rouge on a date tonight, and he needs your help."

I was awake in an instant. My anger had gone from nil to a thousand in .05 seconds, and I was vaguely aware of the fully charged chaos spear in my hand. However, before I could exact my plan to murder the guardian where he stood, unrestrained laughter echoed in my all too sensitive ears. My glare instantly trained on the blue hedgehog hugging his sides from laughing too hard.

"Oh man! Your face was absolutely priceless!" Sonic halfway managed to get out before succumbing to another fit of snickering. I sheathed my spear and growled, crossing my arms as I did so.

"That wasn't funny, Sonic."

"Of course it was, Shads! Besides, it was the only thing I could think of to get you out of bed."

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