A Simple Observation

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"Are there any other secret powers you two have besides super speed and teleportation?" Koki gasped, trying to wrap her head everything that had happened in only a few short moments. Sonic laughed and rubbed his nose. What they had seen was nothing compared to what they did on a weekly basis. If they thought battling Zac was bad, they wouldn't stand a chance against Eggman.

"Well, yeah, but Shads here has way more than me when it comes to Chaos powers. But in speed and awesomeness, I have no competition."

"And yet I managed to tie in the battle," Shadow commented while absently inspecting his glove, "and that was without an emerald to aid me."

Aviva quickly intervened in what she was sure would be another fight, "You use emeralds to fight?"

"Not just any emeralds," Sonic spoke up, his voice full of pride, "Chaos Emeralds."

"What are Chaos Emeralds?" Martin and Chris asked at the same time.

Shadow surprisingly answered, "They are seven large gems like this one that hold almost unlimited power. Each one is a different color," and he held out his green one for them to see, "Green, red, white, dark blue, yellow, turquoise, purple, and pink. The more emeralds you have, the more powerful you become. However, their power is influenced by the user's heart. If your heart is full of evil, they will only be able to create negative energy. If your heart is good, then they emit positive energy. Only certain people, such as myself, Sonic, and Silver can use them to their fullest potential. When the seven emeralds are brought together, they allow us to go into our Super forms. We've only ever had to use those forms a handful of times, against more powerful foes. They can also cause Chaos Control, a type of teleportation if you will, which may be how we got here."

"That's the most I've ever heard you talk," Sonic snickered, earning a death glare from him.

"But if you were sent here by the emeralds, then how come they didn't land with you when you fell out of the portal?" Chris asked. Sonic rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"The emeralds have a way of....scattering after all of them are used at once. It's some sort of safety trigger."

"But--," Martin tried to ask, but Shadow held his hand up to interrupted him.

"It's complicated."

"This is all too much," Aviva and Koki groaned. The hedgehogs smirked.

"Who's Silver?" Chris asked, hoping for a simpler explanation, but he promptly fell out of his hover-chair at Sonic's answer.

"Time traveling white hedgehog from the future that has teleki-.. tele-...he can move stuff with his mind," he sighed in defeat. Shadow chuckled.

"He means telekinesis."

"Time travel. Super powers. Talking hedgehogs. This has been the best week ever!" Martin cheered, pumping his fist into the air, while his brother laughed in agreement. It was moments like these that Chris thought he was supposed to be the older brother, not the other way round.

"But one thing still remains," Shadow recalled, calling them to attention, "We have to find all of the Chaos Emeralds in order to get home."

"Well, why didn't you just say so?" Koki replied, "We'll be happy to help you find them."

Shadow just stared at her distrustfully, while Sonic laughed, "Thanks. We could use it."

"Speak for yourself," Shadow mumbled under his breath and glanced out the window in thought.

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