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Third Person POV

"Three days?! I'll die of old age before we get there!" Sonic complained. Shadow resisted the sudden, overwhelming urge to hit him in the back of the head.

"Then take your time in the cockpit," he remarked instead. Sonic glared at him, although it lacked the deadly attribute that made Shadow's famous. Martin scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously.

"Sorry, but that's the best we can do. Maybe if you find something to take your mind off it, it'll go by faster," he suggested. Sonic groaned but agreed to find something to do. After about ten minutes of wandering around the Tortuga, he flopped into the nearest hover chair and tapped his fingers on the armrest, already bored. Shadow rolled his eyes and walked over to Aviva's work station.

"What are you working on?" he asked politely. Against popular belief, he had manners at one time. She glanced over at him, Chris's creature power suit was on her table, and she had a screwdriver in hand.

"Chris's suit had malfunctioned a few weeks before you two showed up, turning him half T-devil for a little bit. If I hadn't manually deactivated it in time, he might've completely lost it," she explained, "Besides, the suits always need a bit of tweeking."

He nodded and looked away in deep thought. For a moment, she could've sworn that he was nervous, but it was quickly hidden under his usual gruff exterior.

"Would it be possible for you to make a machine that can track Chaos energy? I can sense it from any distance, but it's hard to pinpoint in such unfamiliar territory. And there may be times when we will be separated."

She smiled. "Of course I can! Just give me a few more minutes and then we can get to work!"


"Yes," now it was her turn to act a tad nervous, "I don't know the first thing about Chaos Emeralds and the energy they produce, so I'll need you to share as much as you know."

Shadow scratched his chin in thought for a few seconds before he nodded and began to tell her what he knew that would help their search.

Sonic's POV

I glanced over from where I was now standing to see Shadow talking with Aviva and couldn't help but smile. Old Shads has never been a very outgoing guy, so the fact he was making friends was huge! I think this zone's air is doing something to him. They seemed to be working together to make some kind of device to track Chaos energy, probably to find the emeralds. I quietly slid over to where Shadow's camera sat on the large table/platform thingy in the middle of the room and snapped a picture of them. I am so using this later.

I got bored pretty fast after watching them chit-chat for a few minutes and decided to go see how Jimmy was doing in the cockpit. Maybe he can tell me some things to get my mind off of our super long flight.

"Hey, Sonic!" he greeted cheerfully, "Got bored already?"

I laughed, "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

" you wanna learn how to fly the Tortuga?" he offered. I could tell there wasn't much else for him to do, since he was flying this big turtle jet, plane,...thing.

"Sure!" I was seriously grateful for the distraction, and I took a seat in the empty co-pilot's chair.

He began to show me the different controls and what everything does. Although the chances of me actually flying this contraption are pretty slim, I didn't mind learning something knew. Besides, you never know when this type of knowledge could come in handy.

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