Back to the Wild

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In the Wild Kratts' world

"Where could they be?" Chris wondered aloud as he and Martin searched the savannah for the two missing mobians in their createrra. His question was soon answered.

"Woooaaahhh!!" two voices yelled, followed by two loud thumps not too far away from where Sonic and Shadow's signals had been lost. Martin instantly stopped the jeep, and the two Kratts jumped out and began searching where they had heard the sound, hoping it was their two missing friends.

"Over here!" Martin called and waved his brother to him from his position. Chris ran to meet him and grinned at what they'd found.

Sonic and Shadow were both on the ground rubbing their heads with near identical sour looks. It was just a surprise that they weren't directed at each other.

"You would think they would tell us how we would land," Sonic grumbled. Shadow rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't surprise me. Chances are they didn't know how we'd come back," he replied as the two of them stood.

"Sonic! Shadow!" Chris and Martin yelled and waved to them from a few feet away. The two hedgehogs looked up before they raced without having to say another word.

"I win," they said at the same time, and looked at each other in confusion, "You won!? I won! No way!" they continued to jinx. Both of them frowned and turned their backs on one another. Their competitve streak had shown itself once again, and the continual jinx wasn't helping.

"I'm assuming you guys have made up?" Chris asked, and they nodded in sync.

"Yeah, we're over it," Sonic mused aloud and grinned, "We're family, and that's all that matters."

"That's still going to take some getting used to," Shadow said, as his ear twitched.

"Don't worry, it gets easier," he laughed. Shadow looked at the younger hedgehog incredulously.

"You are taking this remarkably well."

Sonic shrugged, "I just roll with it."

"Well," Martin cut in, "seeing as we're all together in one piece, let's head back to the Tortuga, and you guys can tell us what happened."

"Race ya!" Sonic challenged, and the two ran/skated in blue and red blurs, leaving the Kratt brothers behind once again.

An hour later

"So let me get this straight," Koki stated and pinched the bridge of her nose, "you're saying that our world is falling apart, and unless we find all of these World Hearts things, it will die completely?"

"Yes," Shadow answered grimly, "and I with it."

Sonic, though a bit deflated, decided to try to cheer things up, "Which isn't gonna happen, cause we're going to find them, save the world, and get back to Mobius before then. Just like always," he added with a thumbs up. Shadow nodded.


"Where to next?" Jimmy asked as he climbed into the cockpit. All of this end of the world talk was making him anxious...and hungry. He could really use a pizza slice later.

"I say Europe. It's on this side, and it'll be faster," Aviva suggested.

"And who knows? Maybe we'll find another chaos emerald!" Sonic cheered, and Shadow rubbed his chin at the thought.

"Now that you mention it, there might be a connection between the hearts and the emeralds," he said at last, "Think about it. The chaos emerald and World Heart always seem to be in the same general area, and we haven't found anymore chaos emeralds on the same continents."

"You might be on to something!" Aviva agreed and typed furiously at her computer, "Yes! They are always at least within a two hundred mile radius of each other."

Sonic snapped as he caught on, "So if we can find one--"

"We'll find the other," Shadow finished, "That will make things much easier."

"All right! Europe, here we come!"

I know this was incredibly short, but I'm getting back into this story, so the next update should be soon. <3

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