Getting in Touch

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Third Person POV

Varmitech Headquarters, NYC

    "So let me get this straight. If I get one of those chaos emerald thingies, my machines will be several times more powerful than they already are, and I will have an unlimited power source?" Zach questioned.

    "Yes," the nameless voice on the other side of the speaker replied, "Each chaos emerald you collect will multiply your power, and with all seven a miracle can be created. And one would also be the perfect bait for Sonic and Shadow. Plan carefully, and their power can be yours for the taking."

    "I do like the sound of that," he mused, "But how can I catch them? The last time I had one of 'em, the stripy one about killed me!"

    "Strange," the other replied thoughtfully, "It is very unlike Shadow to go to such extremes for a rescue. No matter. Your first task is to find the next chaos emerald. Then we shall put the next part of our plan into action."

 Tortuga HQ

      "Oh, yeah!" Martin cheered, "Welcome to North America, gang!" 

     "I can't wait to have enough room to run again," Sonic said to no one in particular as he stretched his arms above his head. 

    "How are you feeling, Mr. Shadow?" Cream asked. The ebony antihero opened his eyes and grunted a dull reply. 

              "I'm fine. This one's strong."

    "When are we gonna land? I'm bored," Sonic whined, making the other mobians roll their eyes. 

    "Setting down now, Sonic!" Jimmy yelled from the cockpit before he resumed his conversation with Tails, who had wanted to learn everything there was to know about flying the Tortuga.

     "Finally!" he exclaimed as he felt the ship lowering. A cheeky smirk made its way on to Sonic's lips as he glanced at his older twin, "Hey, Shads, think you'll be able to find the fourth chaos emerald?"

   "Shut up, Sonic," he snapped back, "That was one time."

    "But still, it's like the fourth one hates you for some reason," he sniggered, earning a traditional death glare.

    Tails could only roll his eyes at the duo before his mind began to wander. His older brother had never acted so relaxed around his rival. Even though they weren't exactly enemies on Mobius, he always wore a prepared stance, ready for fight or flight when standing around the sable hedgehog. 

    "Whatever," Shadow hmphed and crossed his arms, not in the mood for Sonic's antics.

    The hatch to the Tortuga hissed open, and the twin hedgehogs vanished in blinding streaks, releasing the pent up energy in a quick race. They returned minutes later without so much as breaking a sweat. Aviva was staring down at a handheld similar to Tails' design in slight confusion. 

    "This doesn't make any sense. Zach isn't normally this destructive without an obvious reason. But it looks like he's destroying anything he comes across." 

    "Sounds a lot like someone we know," Rouge commented. 

    Sonic and Shadow shared a glance, and the blue hedgehog spoke, "Yeah, almost exactly like a certain Egghead I know."

    "If Zach is starting to act like the doctor, then we need to be ready for anything. Though I doubt it will be a Robotnik level fight, we need to be prepared for the worst." 

    "Shads is right. We'll take care of the licorice stick, and you guys hang tight till we give the all clear. Something isn't adding up." 

   However, before the twins could dash off, a loud beeping filled their ears, and everyone ran back into the Tortuga. Koki's fingers blurred over the keypad as she typed. 

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