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"Wait! This thing can fly?!" Sonic exclaimed as Jimmy went into the cockpit. Martin nodded.

"Yep! Today we're heading for the African savannah! You say you're the fastest thing alive, and I want to see you prove it."

"Is that a challenge?" Sonic smirked with his arms crossed knowingly. He could've sworn that he heard Shadow chuckle at Martin's mention of a race. He has no idea what he's getting himself into, the darker hedgehog thought.

"You bet!"

"You mentioned something about a creature power suit," Shadow said, turning his attention to Chris, "What do they do exactly?"

"They basically let us turn into animals. Not completely, but we can use their cool features on our adventures."

"I know of Africa," Shadow stated, "The habitat of the cheetah, fastest earth land animal. If what you say is true, then I'm guessing Martin is planning on using its power of speed to race Sonic."

"You're right," Chris smiled, "But how do you know so much about Earth if you've never been in this dimension?"

Sonic had listened to their conversation, but at Chris's question, he shot a nervous glance in Shadow's direction, not knowing that Martin noticed. Said hedgehog didn't show any signs of discomfort, or any other emotion really, something that worried Sonic.

"I was...born in an alternate dimension of Earth. That was why Sonic asked about Station Square. It was where he had stayed when he and his friends had landed in that dimension," he explained calmly, never letting whatever he was feeling to be seen.

"So you're not originally from Sonic's world?" Martin probed. Shadow's blood-colored eyes hardened.

"I'd prefer not to talk about it," he answered coldly. There was a rumbling noise as the Tortuga lifted off the ground, just the distraction the mobians needed.

"Can we ride on top?" Sonic asked excitedly, quickly, and purposefully, changing the subject.

"Sure," Martin replied and grabbed four safety harnesses and handed two of them to the bewildered hedgehogs.

"Why would we need these?" Shadow asked, promptly discarding it after he had glanced at it. And by discarding, he ment tossing it aside rougher than he thought he would. Sonic quickly followed his example, except he set his down gently.

"To keep you from falling off," Chris replied as he retrieved Shadow's harness from the other side of the room, "We're going pretty fast, and we don't want you to slip."

"And by 'pretty fast' you mean 500mph?" Sonic asked sarcastically with a set grin. The two men stared at him dumbfounded.

"How did you know that?" Martin exclaimed. Sonic rubbed his nose with his eyes closed.

"Can feel it through whatever this thing is supposed to be," he answered nonchalantly as he stomped his foot on the floor, "and I'm a pretty good guesser."

Sonic and Shadow shared a knowing glance before finding their way up to the hatch on top of the giant turtle ship, leaving the bewildered brothers behind. The Kratt bros put on their gear carefully, deciding not to take their chances.

"Chris?" Martin asked.

"Yeah, bro?"

"What do you think their hiding?"

Chris raised an eyebrow at the question, "What do you mean?"

"When you asked Shadow about how he knew so much about Earth, Sonic started looking a little nervous."

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