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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my ideas.

Sonic and his team (Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Cream) ran through the winding hallways of Eggman's newest base. Sonic was of course leading the way to the fat man himself. All of his bases were built in a similar style, Egghead not willing to change even if it would help him. He smirked as he entered the control chamber where Eggman was sitting in his floating chair, an evil grin plastered on his face as the mobians ran inside.

The human pressed a couple of buttons and ordered his robots to attack. Sonic ran and easily defeated most of them.

"Hey! Leave some for us!" Tails moaned.

"Sorry!" he yelled as he dodged a laser from from Eggman's personal couch, "Hey, Egghead! Over here! Nope! Over here! You're gonna have to move faster than that to catch me!" he jeered, running from side to side as quick as his name suggested.

"Stand still you little rat!" the man roared. Suddenly, a green energy beam hit Eggman's control console from behind. The fat warlord spun around to find a black and red hedgehog hovering over him with a deadly scowl.

"Sh-Shadow! What are you doing here?!"

"Hey, Shads!" Sonic waved. Shadow glared at the nickname, but returned his focus to the man in the hover-recliner.

"For your information, Doctor," and Shadow revieled a devilish smirk that was rare for said hedgehog, "I was bored, and you happened to be in the neighborhood."

Behind dark glasses, Eggman's eyes grew wide. While Sonic fought to keep the peace, Shadow did pretty much whatever he wanted. The darker hero sped towards him and launched a Chaos spear at him. Eggman only barely managed to avoid the shot.

"We were here first!" Amy yelled, as she swung her hammer into another robot, smashing it to bits. Shadow only frowned at her before spindashing into a large hoard of machines and stopping beside Sonic. Said hedgehog smirking at the one beside him.

"I told them you could be fun sometimes," he laughed. Shadow rolled his eyes.

But in between their banter, Eggman pressed another button. A vortex of swirling green light appeared between the mobians and himself. The wind around them picked up; Sonic and Shadow felt themselves being pulled into the portal. Both tried to run the other way, but the force was too strong.

"Can't get far enough," Sonic struggled. Shadow grunted but said nothing.

"Aaaahh!" they yelled as they were both sucked into the portal. But before anyone else could say or do anything, the portal closed and Eggman broke his own machine, trapping them on the other side in who knows where.

"MWAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed, "Now no one can save you!"

The remaining heroes got into their fighting stances, but then Knuckles's eyes widened in surprise.

"The Chaos Emeralds! I can't sense them anywhere!" he exclaimed.

"Huh?" and then Eggman realized, "NOOO!"

With the Wild Kratts

Chris and Martin raced on their hoverbikes across an open field, yelling their excitement in the wind. Chris pulled ahead of his older brother with a smirk on his face. But he suddenly stopped as a large green portal opened up a few yards ahead of him. Martin, luckily, stopped beside him.

"What in the world?!" they yelled at the same time. Two small forms fell out of the portal. The Kratt brothers rode closer to them as the portal disappeared.

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