Black Shadow

847 36 15

Third Person POV

        "How is it that every time I leave him on his own he gets into some sort of trouble? It's like I have to hold his hand everywhere we go! Did he always get into so many incidents on Mobius?!" Shadow ranted, "How long ago did this happen? And WHY AREN'T WE OFF THE GROUND!? We need to be following that jet before they do something to him!"

     "Shadow, darling, I'm going to need you to calm down a little bit, okay?" Rouge said slowly. She held her hands out and carefully stepped closer to her distressed partner. Everyone else had begun backing up to the walls in slight fear. The striped hedgehog growled as anger fueled him, and red began to tint the corners of his vision. He felt like he had failed to look after the only real family he had, and that, along with the pent up stress and reviving sibling instinct, was beginning to take its toll for the worse. His form began to glow a deep shade of ruby, and everyone knew what that meant. And there was nowhere they could escape.

     "How can you tell me to just calm down? He is my--" he suddenly paused midsentence before he could blow anything else, literally and figuratively, "I need him in order to get us out of here," he finished instead. That was WAY too close, he thought as the glow faded, I can't believe I almost did a Chaos Blast on them! I..I could have killed them! I need a vacation..

     The ship rocked, and Shadow felt them going airborne. He figured that his rant and city-leveling temper had helped speed up the process. His ears folded and he hung his head as he mulled over his reaction. Why couldn't he keep his composure anymore? 

     "Aaaahh! It's a rat! Somebody get it!" Amy and Koki screamed. Shadow looked up and pinpointed a familiar patch of brown. However, Jimmy and his frying pan were coming in close to it. 

    "Wait! Don't hurt him!" he yelled and blurred between them. Jimmy stopped midswing, as everyone stared at the hedgehog in confusion. Shadow looked down at the mouse panting wildly, and his features softened ever so slightly. He knelt down and scooped the panic-stricken creature into his hands and rubbed his thumb over its head.

     "This one's a friend of mine," he explained, "Souris, you okay? Nobody step on your tail, did they?"

    No, I'm good, he huffed, Phew! What a rush! Where are we? I'm a long ways away from the castle.

     "I think you accidently caught a ride with us. Do you wanna stay?" he offered, and Souris nodded happily.

Yeah! That place was lonely. You all sound so exciting!

    "Then it's settled. Everyone, meet Souris. He's joining us," Shadow announced, and Rouge grimaced. 

      "Of course he is," she mumbled sarcastically. Martin and Chris quickly welcomed him, while Jimmy hid the frying pan. Souris crawled up on to his rescuer's shoulder and soaked in his new surroundings. 

          Why were you glowing earlier? 

       "Long story," he replied simply, "but first we have particular blue idiot to rescue."

With Sonic

     The cobalt hero drummed his fingers on the floor of his cage with his head resting in his palm. This had been the second time he had been captured, and he could only imagine Shadow's face when he would find out. He lightly flicked the metal bars, testing their strength as an idea formed. 

     I can bust outta here, no problem! he thought, as he curled into a tight ball and began to spin in place. One ought to do it. After building enough speed, he leaned forwards, drilling through the bars in seconds before landing squarely on his feet. He dusted his hands. 

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