Sons of Chaos

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Angel Island, Mobius.
Third Person POV

Knuckles the echidna, guardian of the Master Emerald, was taking a nap, per usual, since no meddlesome bat had tried to steal it yet. Actually, Rouge hadn't been seen on the floating island at all since Sonic and Shadow disappeared a few months ago. Everyone was searching for the two, and Eggman had been quiet ever since the chaos emeralds vanished with them. He would have helped in the search, but his duty was obviously elsewhere. Someone had to protect the Master in case Eggman decided to make a grab for it.

Suddenly, the giant green jewel began to pulse and flash in an irregular pattern, waking the snoozing echidna. He muttered grumpily and sat up, but then jumped as soon as he realized what had awakened him. He stared up at his normally silent charge and tried to decipher what it was saying but to no avail, which confused him, since he could often see what the problem was. Then it suddenly flashed.

Inside the Master Emerald. Still 3rd Person POV

Sonic groaned and sat up, trying to understand what happened, only for his vision to be swashed in green. Did I hit my head too hard? He rubbed his eyes, but the scenery didn't change, so he decided to look around. He seemed to be in some sort of weird cage made out of a giant crystal, at least that was his guess. He looked beside him and saw Shadow was with him too, and the dark hedgehog began to stir and wake up.

"What happened?" he asked and massaged his head and took in their surroundings, "Sonic..."

"What is it, Shads?" the blue blur wondered, and his elder brother ignored the degrading nickname for once

"I think...we're inside the Master Emerald.."

Sonic immediately busted out laughing, "Oh come on! How can we be inside the M.E.? That's like physically impossible!"

"So is getting sucked into a book, traveling to different dimensions, and breathing in space," Shadow quipped instantly while listing them on his fingers. Sonic stopped laughing once he thought about all of the "impossible" things they had done and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Good point. Hehe."
You two finally remember. I was beginning to lose hope, a feminine voice called after them. The two hedgehogs spun around only to be blinded by a flash of green light that unknowingly blew back a certain red guardian.

"You would think they would give us warning before doing that," Sonic grumbled and sat up, where he found that they were outside of the Master Emerald. Shadow was already standing, and he helped his younger brother stand. Both hedgehogs were still getting used to that connection, but neither of them made it awkward and tried to act like they usually would, although they still had their moments of uneasiness.

"Hey! We're back on Mobius!" the blue hero exclaimed and would have taken off at a sprint had a familiar voice not called his name.

Oh Sonic. Shadow...We've waited a long time for the two of you to remember your past. Your bond.

"Tikal. Chaos," Shadow acknowledged in a small state of awe. It wasn't everyday you come face to face with the source of your power and technical "parents."

The two brothers stood in mute wonder in front of the powerful mutant Chaos and the peaceful echidna Tikal. She had tears brimming her eyes, as she hugged both their necks like she would never let go. They hugged her back, Sonic more quickly than Shadow, while Chaos stood to the side patiently. Once the three broke away, Sonic looked to the aqua male and rubbed his neck nervously.

"I guess I should apologize for what happened at Station Square. If I'd known, we probably could've just talked it out."

"What happened at Station Square?" Shadow asked with his arms crossed and a mild, questioning glare that still made Sonic shudder. He doubted that attribute would ever fade.

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