Outside Help

808 35 15

Third Person POV

      Zac paced in his lab for several hours after the hedgehogs had escaped him. He had been planning on using the blue one to lure the black and red one out in order to capture it. He wouldn't mind having both alien hedgehogs, but the black and red creature appeared to be more villainous than the blue one, not to mention its color scheme was similar to his own.

    What Zac hadn't expected was his plan backfiring and the striped hedgehog nearly attempting first degree murder before they escaped. He would definitely have to make something that would bend it to his control, but how? Everything he built was reduced to less than scrap metal once those two were done. Not even the Wild Rats caused that kind of damage! He needed stronger resources, but he wasn't sure how strong his machines needed to be. His best guess was that they would have to be invincible, or close to it, but he had no idea about which materials he should start with. Maybe it was time to call on some outside help? He quickly typed in a series of commands into his main computer and waited impatiently for it to complete its tasks. The damages from the two hedgehogs' last encounter had nearly ruined his built in Wi-Fi signal...and any kind of signal for that matter. 

     After several long minutes, three video slides appeared on the screen, and Zac was shocked by what he saw. Gourmand was holding an ice pack to his face, and he was covered with cuts and bruises. His attire also looked more than a little worse for wear. Zac had never seen the man so roughed up. 

   The other surprise was his long time ally in crime, Donita. She seemed to only vaguely be paying any attention but was rather focused sketching out what he could guess would be a new designer line of fashion. He also couldn't help but notice the large supply of finished outfits hanging on racks in the background. Had she managed to finally make her new designs without the Wild Kratts interfering? Zac quirked an eyebrow at her, but said nothing, and he turned to the third screen. The only person who looked normal was their newest member of the group, Pavesly Pacer, an extremely short business woman with a giant distaste of anything naturally built. 

     "Make this snappy, Zac, darling, I have to be in New York in an hour," Donita stated, pulling him out of his thoughts. 

     "Fine," he hmphed, "I called you all today because I need your help. I've run into these two pesky little hedgehog, cat, things, and I'm asking for you to help me catch them. They're a bit...difficult to hold."

    Donita and Gourmand gasped at the same time, and the fashionista set down her sketchbook, becoming serious for the first time since the conference had started.

     "These hedgehogs...were they a little over three feet tall? One blue and the other black with red stripes?"

    "Yeah?" he answered slowly and was surprised when she started shaking her head. 

    "Sorry, Zac, but I can't help you on this one. I made a lovely deal with one of them that I simply couldn't pass up!" 

     "I can't help either," Gourmand replied glumly. He actually looked scared, "I've run into those two, and I don't want to ever see them again, that striped one in particular. He almost killed me!" 

     "Shadow?" Donita asked before laughing, "You didn't try to cook him, did you?" 

     Gourmand looked away, "Not him, exactly. I tried to get the blue one, and I almost had him! But then Stripes came in and nearly killed me." 

     Zac scratched his chin as he thought about it, "You know, he almost got me too. The blue thingy was trying to escape my jet when the black one attacked me. The blue one actually had to stop him!"

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