Important Author's Note

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Hey, everyone, sorry for the colossal wait. But I'm afraid I have some sad news.
You've probably guessed it for a while, but I'm making it official-Sonic Wild will be discontinued until further notice. I may eventually pick it back up again, but as of right now I don't plan on making any updates any time soon.

In a perfect world, I would be able to give what you all deserve for waiting so long. Sadly, this world is not perfect, and this writer has too much going on right to think about picking up this old project.

I'm sorry, guys, I really am, but I also want to thank all of you for your amazing support. This was my first crossover, and I had no idea how much love it would get. So thank you all, and I wish every last one of you the absolute best.

Maraja Sargasso

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