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 Photoshoot break. BTS is having their concept photos as their new album is coming up.

   Hoseok was enjoying his sandwich with a sprite in hand when arms suddenly wrapped around his shoulders.

There's Jimin eyeing at his sandwich since there's no more left and  he is the one who finished his solo shoot. He turned to look at the younger male then to his sandwich only to chuckle at Jimin's wide eyes before he gave him what he is eating. Jimin took a big bite before taking it from him as he sat down.

    "Yah, slow down," he warned seeing his younger brother eating like he never ate in his entire life. "I'm hungry," the later whined with a little pout forming on his lips. He laughed reaching up to tap his shoulder. "Aigoo, eat." Jimin has to be cute and well....he gave in to his antics.

    Jimin smiled, his eyes forming into beautiful cresents only for it to fade and he stopped chewing. His eyes blinked multiple times whilst a flash of image rolled through his mind. "Hyung," he called whipping Hoseoks head to him. "Hmm?"    He swallowed what's on his mouth before speaking up. "The fan who saved us, Miss Liliana?"

    "Oh, what about her?" Hoseok asked for some reason nervous. "Nothing much, she just reminds me of Jungkook. She is covered in his scent. I mean, litterally," he shook his head and sighed. "I've been thinking if I'm still normal but for some reason, I see Jungkook on her."

     Hoseok starred at him proccessing his words before nodding. "Could she be his soulmate?" Jimin looked at him only to see him smile. "We're still not normal Jimin. All of us. It still hurts us, so I understand what you mean. I once opened his room and I thought I saw him there," the rapper admitted surprising the younger male.

     "You do?" Hoseok nodded once more.  Jimin gulped, eyes a bit wide before taking a bite on his food, trying to put the pieces together. Before arriving at the location, Taehyung told him he dreamt of Jungkook coming home with a big smile and he chose to hold on to it. 

    The other night, he heard Namjoon and Yoongi's conversation with Namjoon  saying he too dreamt of Jungkook receiving an award with them. The other members were keeping their mouth shut but their action tells him they too dreamt of Jungkook at least once or saw him somewhere in the dorms like Hoseok did.

     The question is, why would his be different? He saw Jungkook on Liliana? He shook it off thinking his mind could be playing tricks on him. He believes, not a hundred percent though, and he is not keeping his hopes high but there is definetly an explanation with everything that is happening. No one of them can indentify it but it is not yet the end of the story. For Jeon Jungkook their Golden Maknae.


     Namjoon found Jin cooking in the kitchen of their dorm. He went straight to the fridge, pulled a bottle of water, opening it and gulping it down.

     If it werent for his brain telling him that he is thirsty, he wouldn't have gotten out of his room. The smell of delicious food reached his nose making him sniff like a puppy. "Whatcha cooking hyung? That smells so good."

     "Oh, Jungkook's favorite. He couldn't get enough of my 'Seokjin's Love Menu'"Jin say feeling proud of himself.

    Namjoon beamed. "Seokjin's Love? That makes it  more delicious."

     "Ayy, offcourse! It's Jungkook's day so we'll have his favorite dishes tonight and banana milk. All must comply," the oldest bellowed turning to what he is cooking. "Alright, hyung. We'll comply." He gave a tap on his shoulder before moving out the room.


     It's a beautiful morning. Liliana opened her eyes to the rays of the sun coming through the window but still with a good distance from the bed. She was well aware of the arm wrapped around her waist and the chest her back is against.

     She took in a deep breath as she rubbed the sleep off her eyes. She remembered convincing Jungkook to sleep on the extra bed she has on her living room but he pouted and whined blabbering that he got used to sleeping beside her and that he can't sleep without her.

     It is alright for her to sleep with a kitten but with a full grown man? It is making her tense and nervous for an unknown reason.

     In the end, Jungkook won the argument leaping on her bed happily. When she told him to stop peppering her with kisses, he complained saying she doesn't love him. Huh! If only he knew.  She gave in again.

   She tried freeing herself from his grip  but his iron clad hand just wont allow her, his grip tightening as he groaned in protest.

Here we go.

She almost rolled her eyes. Super clingy is somewhat bearable in an irrititating beautiful kind of way.

  "Jungkook, please let me make breakfast. I have plans for the both of us but I can't do that in an empty stomach. C'mon."

     "Cuddle. 10 more minutes please," he begged moving to kiss her cheek and neck.

You really have your way.

     "Alright, but just 10 more minutes, understand?" He nodded. "Jungkook understand. Jungkook is a good  boy." She laughed quietly.

Since when? 

She felt a peck and another..... and another.
"I love you," he chimed with an addicting smile whislt hers faded. She tensed. 

How nice. If only you aren't a hybrid.  Sighing she shook her thoughts off.

2 Updates in a day! Thank you for reading! As always BORAHAE!

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