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💫 In this chapter I am going to use his and him for the cat instead of it. It is a little confusing..😄💫

      Liliana spread out her yoga mat in her living room. Day off means work out for her too.

With the music playing, she began her warm up to avoid any injuries later on while her cat sat on the coach just watching her with wide eyes, again curious as to why she is bending to and fro.

His ears twitched when a sudden image flashed on his mind making him shut his eyes tight. Too busy on her session, his owner once again failed to see what is happening to him.

Even in his cat form, there are times that sudden images flash on his mind and he has no choice but to shut his eyes in pain.

It will pass though after a minute or so however this time it seems like its not gonna go anytime soon. Burying his head on his paws trying to make the pain go away only to fail.
That's when he meowed in pain finally whipping Liliana's head towards him. Her eyes were big as grapes as she rushed to his side seeing him wiggle  attempting to lessen the pain.

"Hey, oh no, what is happening to you? Are you in pain?" She was quick to pick the squirming cat and hugged him gently worried and confused. Much to the cat's   surprise, the pain was gone in an instant like magic.

He stopped and shot open his cat eyes meeting his owner's worried face. "Are you alright?" He mewled standing on his hind leg and burried his face in the crook of her neck, his owner running a hand gently on his back. "You had me worried there," she say breathing out in relief.

     Once deep in her sleep, the feline slowly but surely transformed into his human form as to not awaken his light sleeper human. He breathed out once he is free of his cat form and instantly his arms and legs wrapped around Liliana pulling  her as close as possible to his body. He loves it that way as the lady fit perfectly in his arms making it easy for him to breath in her scent for as long as he likes. Her scent is making him really happy and he wont ever deny it. She always smell like a fragrant flower to him and he is used to it by now even if it's just the second night of his stay in her place. What's making him even more happier is that he could smell his scent on her too.' Let us keep it this way. You are my owner and I am going to stay with you.'   With that, he nuzzled his nose on her hair closing his eyes, a contented smile curving up his lips breathing in her scent. Liliana stirred all of a sudden making him stop, worry taking over him. 
     'Please don't wake up. Don't wake up.'
He pleaded at the back of his mind. He's so not ready to reveal his human form yet knowing he'll scare her. Second, he hates it when she'll wake up because he has to shift back to his cat form and he can't cuddle her. Off course it is him who'se being cuddled but at night he wants to be the one to do it.  He was able to release the breath he is holding when she stayed still completely asleep. He then hugged her tighter, a smile lingering on his lips ready to give himself the rest he needed.

     A month passed by quickly. All Liliana ever do is work, go home and that's it, completely oblivious of her feline pet whom she grew fond off. The cat always seemed to give her energy, always waiting by the door for her, watching and sharing her everyday life. His favourite time of the day is when he can freely cuddle her  in bed.

     "Yana!" Liliana almost jumped when someone suddenly hugged her from the back tightly her brows furrowing. Rex. The head manager of the hotel she is working at and her very own suitor. "Hello, Sir," she say ripping his arms off  of her." Rex isn't affected though. He is still smiling at her winking even. "Yana, guess what." She held her breath when Rex moved closer. He's the manager of the hotel, he could just order someone to tell her the news but he went all the way down from his office to tell her what is happening. Well, thanks to him, she is never late of current issues especially on important details. It's not that she hated him.  Rex has been patiently teaching her what is needed to be done the moment she stepped foot in the hotel. They got close and she became his bestfriend, until he suddenly asked permission to court her.   She is happy to see him but what he hated is how super clingy he gets once he has a chance to do it. She told him straightforwardly that she loves someone and he respects that but told her he won't give up on her.
     "What's the news?" She asked him meeting his eyes. "Well, it is one huge news. Take in a deep breath first, I don't want you fainting," Rex mused excitedly only for her to raise an eyebrow at him. "You know I am not-"
"Alright" Rex cut her off. "I know you do not exaggerate things but this is serious, okay?"  She just stayed silent waiting for him to continue. "B..T..S.." he paused by each letter waiting for her reaction yet she just starred at him with a blank expression. "Ahh, you're not thrilled?" he asked confused. She just tilted her head, shrugging. "Why would I be? Unless they are coming to our hotel and  stay here for a week or so." Rex's eyes widened and gasped dramatically. "How did you know?!" he exclaimed only to see her eyes grow wide in surprise. "They are really coming here?" Rex nodded multiple times. "They'll be booking the entire 27th floor. One week of stay in here as they will use our gym facility for filming. You are aware of their 'Health and Wealth Project' right?" She just nodded urging him to continue.
    "They decided to do it here," he smiled happily knowing she is really a big fan of BTS. However instead of getting hyped up, she was rather confused. "Why would they stay here? We're in Seoul and they have their own dorm to go home to after their filming."
     Rex retreated as he starred at her in disbelief. "Aigoo, I was hoping to see you jumping on your feet but you are not excited, eh?" She sighed. "Why would I be? Even if they come here, they're incognito. We cannot see them as we please. They are here for work and that's that." The manager nodded at her. "That maybe, but Yana, you don't
know the whole story yet. You see, your service is needed."  That's when her eyes darted confused at him. "What did you just say?"
     "It was arranged that you'll help the catering team. You will serve both meals and snacks and your job is..." a smile tugged on the males lips. "To serve the 6 members only. Our hotelier said you needed this kind of experience so she herself put you in that position for this week." Liliana could only blink as she felt her heart race. She would finally meet the members in person and would practically engage with them but why is she hesitating all of a sudden? Meeting the 6 members with the exception of Jeon Jungkook, the guy she is secretly in love with. It used to be 7. Used to be. She was snapped off her trance when Rex suddenly hugged her. "I know you can do it, Liliana. I'm here if you need me." She nodded in gratittude. "Thanks." She smiled at him, Rex smiling back finally letting her go turning on his heel going to the elevator to get back to his office.

     I was finally able to write a longer chapter. I hope you'll like it and I humbly ask for your support. Thank you! I purple you!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


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