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As soon as Liliana opened the door expecting to be tackled in hugs, she was rather surprised on the unexpected silence.

With her brows furrowing, she looked around as she walked further into the house.


Her eyes landed on his slumped figure on the couch. Worried that something might have occured during her absence, she rushed to him only to stop on her tracks seeing sticky notes all over the table with well, notes.

Jungkook was seriously writing something sticking once he finished and proceeding to another one.


"Shhhh," he hushed  not even giving her a glance.

She's surprised on the sudden behavior but she quietly sat down beside him, eyes not leaving his figure. He looked completely like human, his eyes squinting as he continued to write but as soon as he is done, a small smile formed on his lips finally looking her way.

Before she knew it, she was scooped off her feet and was placed on his lap hugging her with a gentle kiss on her neck.

"How is my baby?" he asked swaying her gently. Her eyes blinked. She just can't let him off her.

She is trying to build some distance between them and not let her feelings grow more but he is not having any of it. He is making it worst if she says so herself.

"Yan?" she was nudged when she didn't answer snapping her off her trance.

"Oh, I'm tired but I am fine. How about you? What are these that you are writing?"

She leaned towards the table to get a better look of what's scattered in there. She read some notes like 'Jimin hyung and I eating hamburgers' 

'Jin hyung cooking'

'Yoongi hyung making music'

"These are my memories."

She was quick to meet his eyes but did not say anything waiting for him to continue.

"My memories Yan, it's slowly coming back to me. I remember my audition and how I ended up at our agency. I remember our debut too. I had another episode today but that's when I remembered my hometown Busan."

Her eyes flickered as excitement building inside of her. "Wow, Jungkook! That is great news! I am so happy for you!"

A big smile made it's way to her lips as she hugged him only to hear him chuckle and hugged her back.


Jungkook's POV

She was excited.

She is really so happy for me.

My memories are slowly coming back to me just as we want them too.

I was so happy at first.

I was so hyped I can't wait to annouce the big news to her.

But not anymore.

I'm no longer excited.

No longer sure if I want these memories back.

Not sure if I want Jeon Jungkook back.


I am forgetting her..

I forgot her for an hour this day..

I do not want to...

I do understand...

I clearly do..

Recalling my memories means...


Will I have to choose?

Between her and me?

I want her by my side..

To be with her forever and always..

That is when I realize..

JEON JUNGKOOK is way beyond my imagination...

He is a star..

Loved by many..



Good at everything they say...

But I don't want that.

If recalling means forgetting her,

I'd rather stay a 



Hope you like this update..
I'm having a writers block but I still want to write the best that I can so this is it for now..

Pls. Vote and comment


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