I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: flower power in your face, motherfucker* (what am i doing here) love interest: lucius malfoy oc name: chrysanta jones* house: hufflepuff blood status: halfblood* timeline: 6th* year of lucius' schooltime (i've totally made my research)
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chrysanta jones: jessie li* lucius malfoy: charles bilgrien*
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There isn't much in this world for Chrysanta Jones to like - the god her mother is praying to has obviously drunk a bit too much when tinkering on his school project, fucking Earth up a lot.
Who should judge him anyways, it probably sucks to be a god just like it sucks to be human.
Sometimes (actually often) Chrysanta just wishes to be a chrysanth so she wouldn't have to deal with this whole shit anymore because somehow she's programmed to dislike nearly everything: Chrysanta despises that people she doesn't like call her Santa, that her father Max (her father Charles hasn't been a thing back then) has rather been gambling than holding her mother's hand while she's pressed a small, wet, ugly Grinch out of her body because he hasn't believed Chrysanta's aunt when she's called him - of course she has had to be born on April Fool's Day, she who emits fun like no other -, that the sun has to be this bright and school starts so early - but first of all, Chrysanta dislikes this arrogant prick Lucius Malfoy.
He's just a pain in the ass with his perfect grades and perfect family and perfect hair. - Yes, maybe Chrysanta is envying him a bit but his holier-thant-thou, smug behaviour is still annoying the fuck out of her.
However, the two pay each other back in their own coin.
And maybe she shouldn't have called him Lucy but he's started calling her Santa in second year, starting this whole craze - however, she totally is no Chris, thank you very much, Lucy!
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¬lmao, i like this plot so much ¬so, chrysanta and lucius r obviously smt like enemies to lovers ¬chrysanta hates like everything and she's this hufflepuff who kills you with her glares ¬her favourite subject is herbology, she rlly loves flowers, especially chrysanths (don't even think abt changing her first name) ¬she also loves her fathers, her dad max is divorced from her mother and in a relationship with her father charles now, however, she has no good relationship with her mother ¬max gambles a bit ¬a bit much ¬she still loves him ¬her birthday is on april first and she is the embodyment of a moody aries ¬lucius and her are both prefects and they regularily fight on their rounds she once slaps him, but it should have a good reason (it's just an excuse for this title, i know) ¬you can change the year it plays in, however, they have to be prefects ¬chrysanta of course loathes being prefect ¬you can change her blood status, but only to pureblood bc we need no blood status drama here, sorry ¬i want to read this so bad, please smb write this