I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: muse / mélomanie love interest: fred weasley oc name: euterpe lacon* house: hufflepuff blood status: halfblood timeline: golden era, gof
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euterpe lacon: nathalie alyn lind* (credits to @flawsxme for the face claim) fred weasley: james phelps*
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No matter if thunderous storms or stifled laughters, to Euterpe Lacon's ears everything is music. She's humming to the melody of her teachers' rambling, paying no attentionto the words they're uttering; she's singing with the chior of leaves when the wind's playing with them, urging them to trill their songs; she's tapping the rhythm to the symphonies of the rain, the drops drumming against the window pane, chiming the different voices of nature's orchestra.
Her head is full of music all the time, her gait as if she's dancing a never-ending waltz. When she utters softly murmured words, composers find their muse (what coincidence that she is named like one), scribbling down pages over pages full of music as heavenly as if angels would have whispered it into their ears.
Oh, if they'd know that there are no ethereal creatures to chirp pristine notes but only a dreamy Hufflepuff with less close friends than there are strings on her viola . They'd kneel to Euterpe's feet, full of astonishment and glee, begging the girl to lay her blessings above them.
But Euterpe doesn't bless anyone, instead she practically lives in the kitchen, not able to resist any sweet temptation the house elves are serving on silver tablets, gaining some unwanted weight – but is it really unwanted if Euterpe doesn't mind it at all? As long as it doesn't hinder her viola playing – and how should this little bit of fat manage to do so? -it doesn't really trouble the girl.
What tragedy it would be, if she wasn't able to play anymore! It would be worse than death for Euterpe, the girl, who breathes no oxygen but music.
And for what would she have founded a quartet if she wasn't able to play with her friends anymore? Damn, she's even brought Cedric Diggory to pick up the cello again so she'd rather quit visiting the house elves for some extra snacks than stop playing with the quartet. Not that anybody except the members really know of it – and said elves, because where should they practise when not in the kitchen?
To Euterpe, the most beautiful thing in the world is music and she is full of love for those who are creating it, making it possible, no matter if musician, instrument maker or composer. She could smack kisses on all of their cheeks, cover the flushing skin with her scent of rosin and those heavenly pancakes Dobby bakes. However, she probably won't as this would take more time than the summer holidays offer and she wouldn't even be able to show her genuine appreciation to her all time favourite.
Euterpe has one favourite composer – who is unfortunately long dead by now and she can't do anything to wallow in his genius than get the quartet to play his pieces the umpteenth time, ramble about his quirky life and just worship him in general. He's something like her god and she's been something like his muse even though he's probably already been decayed when Euterpe's been born – but still. Euterpe's decided that it might be like that and nobody is gonna convince her anything different.
So maybe you can understand how immensely pissed she is when Fred Weasley makes fun of the wrong dead man.
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¬euterpe is such a cinnamon roll, i tell you ¬and pls cast her with a curvy girl, there aren't just slim persons on this earth ¬name the story either Muse or Mélomanie bc these titles r perfect for the story-- mélomanie is "an excessive and abnormal live and deep attraction to music and melody" ¬so, hugo wolf! let's act as if i wasn't the one with the obsession abt him but there's a reason i've chosen him other than my undying appreciation for this impersonated mood: he's nearly forgotten but he's been one of the greatest - GREATEST - art song composers, euterpe is the muse of lyric and art songs are poems set in music, so- ¬you can ofc also choose another composer who's written art songs like franz schubert or even johannes brahms or smb else, but nobody's had a nearly as weird life as hugo wolf he's been so metal istg - ofc i'm here to serve you with my strange knowledge about wolf, don't be shy and take this plot, pls ¬the quartet euterpe has kinda founded is consisting of her (viola), cedric (cello), zacharias smith (first violin) and some hufflupff you can freely choose or create ¬they practice in the kitchens and the house elves live their music - if you need quartet music, here i am ¬euterpe is rambling abt her fav composer on the hallway, you decide who has to listen to her, however, she's catching fred's attention bc she's a little bit - very - loud when she's talking abt smt she's passionate abt ¬in the end, fred jokes abt how pathetic her fav composer seems and this is the moment she notices that he's even here ¬and in the first moment, she's just like wth wut ¬it takes some time for her to realize that he's just made a fool out of her fav composer and like, she's really pissed as soon as she's comprehended it ¬and i really don't know what's happening then but i'd love to read it ngl ¬
lmao, i forgot to mention that ofc both cedric and fred die, yolo