I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: murderers* love interest: blaise zabini oc name: joona* kingston* house: non blood status: muggle timeline: postwar
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joonakingston: jeon june* blaise zabini: james kakonge*
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Joona Kingston has always been a curious boy, opening doors that should have been left shut, receiving his first kiss a bit too early, reading newspapers and mystery thrillers since he's able to.
However, this doesn't mix very well with his will to believe - no matter if lies or tatter or weird conspiracy theories. And because his own imagination has always been very highly developed, leading him to tell fabrications when he's been younger (he still does to be honest), everybody tends to ignore the truth in his words, still just nodding their heads nonchalantly, of course, Joona, of course.
So when Joona utters his doubts that his uncle really has died from a heart attack even though he's been the healthiest human he's known, nobody thinks twice about it - those who have to know better than Joona have clearly said that poor Keven's heart has given up without him dragging on a cigarette even once and merely seldom taking a few swigs of alcohol.
And when Joona voices that he thinks that Uncle Keven could have been killed because all of Mrs Zabini's former husbands - seven to be exact - have died surprisingly, leaving her swimming in gold, his mother just laughs a bit bitterly, of course, Joona, of course.
Unfortunately, Joona has lied once too often, don't even speak about the wild, spine-crawlinbg theories he's told, and nobody believes him even though he's seldom been so certain about something.
So he's more than just glad that Mrs Zabini allows him to stay at her manor over the summer in which he wants "to admire the gorgeous countryside of Wales".
Well, Joona ends up admiring Mrs Zabini's georgeous son instead.
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¬joona is lying much too often but he's become really good at it, like- ¬he also lies when it's not even necessary, he's just too much in the habit and it gives him some feeling of power ¬surprise, surprise, the narration has to be unreliable ¬joona is totally swooning over blaise, but he still wants to find out, if mrs zabini has killed keven ¬who knows, maybe it's been blaise ¬or the two together ¬or it's really been a heart attack ¬james kakonge is the ultimative cast for blaise, change my mind ¬joona is very fond of nature, he paints landscape paintings ¬can we speak abt how well joona and blaise will look with each other? ¬also, if you decide that the zabinis rlly r murderers, joona doesn't end up with blaise, well- ¬aaaaand, joona's family is rich, it has to or mrs zabini wouldn't have married keven, ig