I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: taken by lapilvr title: present* love interest: oliver wood oc name: callisto* montgomery* house: slytherin blood status: quarter veela, quarter wizard, half unknown timeline: golden era, poa
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callisto montgomery: rhauda athif* oliver wood: sean biggerstaff*
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Everything they saw her as was a present. A present in pretty wrapping. And what did you do with a present? Of course, there's only one thing to do.
And everybody did it.
They saw Callisto Montgomery, the present in its pretty wrapping, and everything they wanted was to unwrap her, to tear open these silky undergarments, to search pleasure in the gift they got. They were looking for it faithfully, shoving deep and deeper, and if possible, they'd even opened her ribcage to rummage in it with the hope to find whatever they wanted to. But Callisto knew, that she'd never be able to satisfy their lust, their hunger for more than she was able to give.
And when they finally realised, that there was only wrapping, that Callisto was an empty package and everything they'd find would be nothing they'd want to have, they threw her away, crumpled carton, ripped glitter paper, entangled silk ribbons.
But she was used to it, she understood it. Who wouldn't be frustrated, if the present you've longed to open for so long would be empty? And who'd give such a disapppointment a special place in the cupboard or even the heart? Disappointments belonged into dark cellars, into the chamber next to the one with the corpses, locked behind heavy doors.
At least that's what Callisto'd learnt from her mother and what she'd lived through. Well, you couldn't really say it like that, when she'd just lived with it, could you? For her it had always been like that, sleeping in her small bed, down in the cellar, in the room next to the one in which her mother was preparing corpses for the morgue.
Even her room looked like a present with pretty wrapping as panels of fabric were cascading down the cold brick walls. And when Callisto was in it, there was a gift in a gift and maybe you'd also call her heart a gift.
However, all of them were empty.
Callisto was used to hungry eyes following her wherever she went, she's used to clammy fingers on her tighs, she was used to be lusted for. So when Oliver Wood (probably the only guy who is genuinely married to quidditch) didn't, she wasn't sure if she liked that.
(I dislike the synopsis you're free to change it... That's why there's an asterisk why am I writing the obvious?)
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¬callisto is actually the only poc!veela, her father's black and bc of mendel's work regarding genes... ¬her mother, belle* (as long as it means pretty), has always despised her daughter for not looking like a perfect veela ¬callisto wants to be a good veela, it's her life goal to gain her mother's acceptance ¬she's very determined and ambitious so she comes into slythering ¬she's actually been attending ilvermorney before bc her mother's wanted her as far away from her as possible, but she's got kicked out bc she's fallen for the new teacher, who's of course been warned about the veela but hasn't thought that they're talking about callisto because her looks don't really remind one of a veela so he's just thought he's really attracted to this one particular student and they've fallen for each other ¬callisto has been so surprised about her feelings for her teacher because she hasn't thought that she's able to love because of her veela ancestry ¬you can decide how it comes to the public that they've had something with each other and if they've had sex or anything ¬because it comes to the public, the teacher learns that she's partly veela and is kinda disgusted? like he feels really deceived and used and he's really angry with her ¬because she's had an affair with a teacher, callisto has to transfer to another school and she chooses hogwarts because blaise zabini and her are like best buddies even though there is a bit an age gap between them? ¬like callisto' s and blaise's mothers are best friends and they're living together, so they're kinda like siblings ¬their mothers have both been in hogwarts and at first they've hated each other because they've seen each other as competitors in some beauty race but when exchanging beauty tips they've grown to be best bitch buds ¬callisto's mother's working at a morgue what is quite convenient when blaise's mother has to get rid of her newest husband ¬callisto is heartbroken when she leaves ilvermorney and is now even more certain that she won't ever be able to love ¬when she's in hogwarts everything is like always (stares and gaping, etc) but oliver wood isn't joining it what is highly concerning her because she fears that she isn't good enough in being a veela ¬actually, oliver is just totally lost in his quidditch world because he just HAS to win the cup this year, after all it's his last one ¬callisto tries to seduce him but she fails terribly and the whole school is like what the heck and making bets on them ¬and oliver isn't even really noticing ¬"callisto" means the pretty one, if you want to change her name, please use one if a similar meaning